The Engagement - Regency Brides 02

Free The Engagement - Regency Brides 02 by Kimberley Comeaux

Book: The Engagement - Regency Brides 02 by Kimberley Comeaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Comeaux
Tags: Book 2 - Regency Brides
“You?” He laughed some more. “That is good, Thorn. You have developed quite a keen wit since your return from sea.”

    Thomas looked helplessly from Nicholas to Christina, then he noticed she did not share her husbandʼs laughter. “I do not think it is a joke, Nicholas,” she said to him, but her eyes were studying her brother-in-law.

    Nicholas wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes with one arm as the other rolled a ball to Ty, who was sitting in front of him. “Of course he is, Christina. If you knew Katherine, you would understand the two of them would be a mix-match if ever there were one! Tell her, Thorn. Tell her you are only joking!”

    Thomas pulled his gaze from Christina and settled on his brother. It didnʼt take long for the mirth to fade from Nicholasʼs face. “You canʼt be serious!” he charged, his low voice incredulous.

    “I have never been more serious, Nick. I am soon going to ask for her hand, and I believe she will accept.”

    Nicholas picked up the baby, stood, and placed him in Christinaʼs arms. He then turned and grabbed Thomas by his lapels and yanked him up to stand in front of him. “Have you gone completely mad? You cannot marry that woman. She is all wrong for you!” He gave him a hard shake. “You deserve someone better than a society girl for you and for Ty!”

    At those derogatory words toward Katherine, Thomas got angry and pushed his brother away. “Katherine has changed as much as you have, Nick. How could she not after all she has been through?” he roared at him. “And I do not believe Tyler could have a better mother than Katherine, either, so I will not have you ʻmalign her character when you do not know the truth.”

    Nicholas was not stirred by his loyal speech. He stepped closer to his brother and ignored his wifeʼs plea to calm down.

    “I was engaged to the woman, you idiot! I probably know her better than you do, so donʼt paint a pretty picture of a matronly paragon when I know her for who she is!”

    The brothers were practically nose to nose now and breathing heavily. Thomas thought if he could just get in one good punch, it certainly would make him feel better.

    “What does that say about you if you think of her as unmarriageable? You were only weeks away from marrying her yourself.”

    Nicholas snarled. “I was marrying her because of her position, Brother, the exact reason she was marrying me! We were a social match, nothing more!” He poked Thomas in the chest, causing Thomasʼ to ball his fist. “Sheʼs using you, Thorn, because no one else will have her!”

    “You are wrong!” Thomas stated emphatically.

    “I wish I were, but I fear I am not!”

    “Would you look at yourselves?” All sweetness was gone from Christinaʼs voice, and a steeliness was in its place. “What a fine example you are setting for Tyler!”

    The brothers did not back away from each other, but they did glance in her direction-both of their faces swathed in hostility.

    Christina shook her head with a snort of disgust. ʻʼJust try not to kill him, will you, Thorn?” she snapped as she started toward the door with Tyler sitting on her hip. “His baby will need a father, too!”

    Both men started as she slammed the large door behind her, but Thomas wasnʼt sure it was from the sound or the news sheʼd dropped at their feet.

    “Did she say baby?” Nicholas asked, staring back at his brother.

    Thomas nodded. “I think she did.”

    Suddenly, Thomas was swallowed in his brotherʼs joyful embrace. “Iʼm going to be a father! Did you hear that, Thorn?
    Weʼre having a baby!”

    “I heard it-I heard. Now can you please-cease—pounding my back!” Thomas gasped and took a deep breath when he was finally released.

    Nicholas shook his finger at his. Brother. “This conversation is not over with, Thorn. I will not stand for you throwing your life away on someone who doesnʼt truly love you!”

    Thomas was quickly regaining his anger. “She does

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