McKenzie, Cooper - Thanksgiving in Sanctuary (Welcome to Sanctuary 5) (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free McKenzie, Cooper - Thanksgiving in Sanctuary (Welcome to Sanctuary 5) (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Cooper McKenzie

Book: McKenzie, Cooper - Thanksgiving in Sanctuary (Welcome to Sanctuary 5) (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Cooper McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cooper McKenzie
screaming stopped and all three squealed with joy as they reached for him. Spring had to put her bundle down as the ones on Anna’s lap squirmed for release. Once they were free, the three toddled toward Winter, grinning and babbling happily though tears still glistened on their cheeks.
    “Winter? What’s going on?” Hawk said as he and Garrett stopped behind the couch.
    Winter sat down with a laugh as he opened his arms to welcome the three little girls. The trio climbed into his lap, talking to him in their own language of baby talk. They each patted Winter’s face as if assuring themselves that he was real. Then they settled, laying their cheeks on his chest and looking at the others warily. He wrapped his arms around them in a group hug, still curious as to what they were doing here without their parents.
    “Meet Cassie, Jessie, and Marissa. They’re triplets who belong to my next-door neighbor in Charlotte, Talia. I babysat, and when the girls were really cranky or fussy, Talia would call me to come over. Seems I was the only one who could settle them. I guess they remember me.”
    He looked around and found the others staring at him as if he had just turned green or grown a second head.
    “You babysat?” his father asked.
    “Sure. Babies love me,” Winter said. “Talia said the girls felt safe with me. Where is she, anyway?”
    “Um, son, it seems she’s left the babies here for you,” Anna said softly. “She left custody paperwork and copies of their medical records and a copy of Steve’s death certificate. But there was no note explaining why.”
    Anna handed the paperwork to Hawk, who opened it and quickly flipped through the pages. He then gave them to Garrett, who did the same thing.
    “Is it legal for her to do something like this?” Winter asked, knowing with three attorneys and his mates he and his writing income would be well protected from danger.
    His father, mother, and uncle all nodded at the same time.
    “All you have to do is file the paperwork at the county courthouse and the girls are all yours,” Robert said.
    Winter looked to his mates, who had remained silent through the conversation. They looked stunned, and he wondered if this would cause a problem. After all, they had mated him, and being gay, they had never really talked about having children of their own, except to agree to be the best uncles to Spring, Summer, and Autumn’s babies.
    “Garrett? Hawk? I know we never talked about having babies of our own, but what do you think?”
    Winter studied the twins’ faces, reading stunned amazement and something else he could not put a name to. He wondered if they would turn their backs on the girls even though he could not. Talia had given him a precious gift, her trust that he could raise her daughters. There was no way he could turn his back on the little girls, no matter what his mates said.
    The brothers each met his eyes then turned to look at each other for several long minutes. He knew they were silently communicating. It was a twin thing they did that sometimes frustrated the hell out of Winter, but he also understood that if they did this, it would be a major lifestyle change, one that none of them were expecting.
    He watched as the brothers nodded, then turned and worked their way around each end of the couch, slowing the closer they got to Winter with his lap full of little girls.
    The girls leaned their heads back against Winter’s chest, turning their little cherub faces to look up at the big men. Winter felt them stiffen in what he could only assume was fear. He looked up and felt a shiver of lust race through him for the tall, tall men who looked like giants from this angle and knew why the girls might be frightened.
    “Come down here and meet my friends,” he encouraged with a gentle smile.

    * * * *

    Hawk was not sure what to expect as he sat down and crossed his legs a couple of feet from his mate. The three little girls looked so tiny as they pressed closer

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