Spake As a Dragon
life of me I cannot remember anything
except being brought here. I want to thank you for being so kind; I
will never be able to repay you for your kindness. If I do not
survive would you please get a word to my... my... I know I must
have someone; however, right now I do not know who!”
    “ Sergeant you are not
going to die! You owe me no words of thanks. I believe God put each
of us on Earth for a purpose. I think helping injured and dying men
on the battlefield is my purpose in life. I feel it as strongly as
anything I have ever felt. Sergeant I am not looking for any
thanks, seeing you improve in health is payment enough.
    “ You are my ‘Angel on the
Battlefield’ Mrs? Miss? I do not even know your name.”
    “ I’m sorry, it is Miss...
Miss Barton... Miss Clara Barton.”
    “ Are you in the Army Miss
    “ No Sergeant I am a
volunteer nurse. As I said before this is something, I feel, God
has instructed me to do.”
    Robert noticed she wore a plain white
blouse buttoned at the neck. On the left side of her blouse over
her heart was pinned a small scrap of red cloth.
    “ May I ask the meaning of
the red piece of linen?”
    “ It identifies the few of
us as volunteer medical attendants. It is easier for the doctors to
find us when they need assistance.”
    “ May I make a suggestion?
As a religious woman, Miss Barton I suggest cutting your red slip
of fabric into a red cross. That will still identify your volunteer
status, but the cross will indicate to everyone your belief that
your duty to help the wounded is God inspired. Those of us injured
are desperately in need of your services.”
    Clara gazed intently out into space
thinking about his suggestion. “Hmmm, a red cross. That is an
interesting idea Sergeant. I will have to give that some further
thought. Oh, don’t worry your memory will return, I’m sure of it.”

    The Union forces slow their rate of
cannon fire and then, to conserve ammunition, cease firing
altogether. The Yankee commanders think it will fool the Rebels
into believing the Rebels have knocked out their cannons. The ruse
works that is exactly what the Confederates believe.
    General Pickett slowly walks his horse
along the long line of his battle ready men until he reaches
Longstreet, he asks, "General shall I advance?" Longstreet, now
overwhelmed with despondency, does not respond, he simply, with
head bowed, lifts his hand into the air. The order is
    Returning to the front of his men,
General Pickett turns in the saddle, holding his saber high above
his head yells, " Attention Battalion! Dress on the colors!
Forward! March! Charge the enemy and remember old
Virginia!’ He begins a slow and deliberate advance toward the
Union Army nearly a mile away on Cemetery Ridge. Turning to look
back, he sees over 12,000 Southerners stretching a mile from one
end to the other. The men who survive that day say there was almost
total silence as line after line of men in perfect military
alignment march without a word being said to a sure death. The only
noise heard was the soldier’s gear rubbing against their bodies and
the footfalls trampling on the grass of the field. The Union men
watch the lines of men in grey in amazed awe.
    In the front row of soldiers are Luke
and Matthew advancing toward the Union’s strong, fortified
position. Luke turns and speaks to Matthew, “Be brave little
brother, looks like we’re going to get to ‘open the
    The order is given to, ‘Advance at
a quick-step.’ Luke glances over at Matthew again. As they
begin the slow trot, it is a 90-degree, humid day; sweat is
dripping from the end of Matthew’s nose. “Courage, Matthew,
courage!” Luke is trying to bolster his younger brother’s resolve,
but Luke himself is so scared he does not believe he can put one
foot in front of the other. He wants to retreat, but he cannot.
Beside him and behind him are his

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