Charlotte Louise Dolan

Free Charlotte Louise Dolan by Three Lords for Lady Anne

Book: Charlotte Louise Dolan by Three Lords for Lady Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Three Lords for Lady Anne
relate, Bronson rubbed his forehead wearily. Really, when one thought about it, the whole case against the governess was unbelievably flimsy, like a huge, carefully constructed house of cards, which one breath of reality would more than likely topple to the ground. He opened his mouth to tell the runner that he was not interested in paying any money out for an investigation into the background of any Miss Hemsworth, when he suddenly realized he had heard that name before.
    In what connection, he could not immediately recall, but there was an overtone of unsavoriness that lingered in his mind. Abruptly, he reversed his decision and wrote out a bank draft and handed it to the runner.
    “I shall be leaving in two days for Devon. Even if you are not finished with the investigation into the governess’s background, I wish you to come here and give me a partial report of what you have learned before I depart.”
    The runner folded the bank draft into a small square and tucked it down into an inside pocket of his overcoat. “As you say, m’lord. I shall see you in forty-eight hours’ time.”
    I have likely thrown away ten pounds, Bronson thought as he wearily climbed the stairs to his room. My solicitor would be sure to say I am chasing after shadows. If only I could remember in what connection I have heard the name Hemsworth.
    But even when he awoke in the morning, he could not.
    * * * *
    Something was wrong. Anne could not tell where she was getting that impression, but the feeling was too strong to ignore. Aunt Sidonia’s words came back to her. “What people are inclined to dismiss as a woman’s intuition is usually based on something she has heard or seen, or discrepancies that the woman has observed in the back of her mind without even being aware of them. The trick is to become aware, so that one does not have to be dependent upon the whims of intuition.”
    Without appearing to, Anne quickly catalogued her surroundings. The day was beautiful, with none of the signs that would herald an unexpected storm. The twins were already on their horses, and her horse, a great black beast, stood saddled and ready for her to mount.
    Based on its appearance, she might assume that she was being tricked into riding a vicious or even an unbroken horse, except that she had been riding on the same animal twice before, and although spirited, he had been beautifully trained and had presented no problem at all for a proficient rider such as herself.
    Extending the area of her attention, she looked around the stable yard. Two stable boys were brushing down a pair of carriage horses, another was scrubbing the cobblestones, and Harry, the groom with whom she’d had the slight contretemps upon her arrival in Tavistock, was cleaning tack ... and studiously ignoring her. The other three boys could not keep from occasionally glancing with curiosity at the riding party, but Harry kept his eyes firmly fixed on the bridle in his hands, as if he were completely alone. He looked not only totally preoccupied with his work, but also rather smug.
    Anne rechecked her mount. Perhaps a loose cinch? She tugged at it, but it appeared to be firm.
    On the other hand, the horse seemed not to approve completely of what she had done. Just for a moment, he showed the whites of his eyes.
    “Hurry up, Anne. What is taking you so long? Mr. Mallory is expecting us within the hour. He sent over a note saying Dancer’s Darling had the prettiest colt born day before yesterday, and he is letting us name it,” one of the twins said impatiently.
    She looked across the yard again. The three stable boys had stopped their work and were looking at her in open puzzlement, but Harry still kept his eyes resolutely fixed on his task and evinced not the slightest curiosity as to why she was standing and staring at her horse instead of mounting.
    “I have decided that today I prefer to ride bareback,” she announced with decision.
    At her words Harry came to life, springing to

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