The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel

Free The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel by Joseph Pidoriano

Book: The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel by Joseph Pidoriano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Pidoriano
good man. I mean, my good owl.” The owl said in a jest, “Okay then, I will take you to my civilization where I live.” I said, “No, please, tell me the story now.” The owl said, “Okay, if you insist.” I replied, “I do insist. Now, will you tell me the story?” The owl answered, “Of course I will. Let’s begin.”
    I said, “Alright, let the storytelling begin.”
    “Okay then.
    Millions and millions of years ago when this earth was formed, there weren’t any life forms in existence. Then, because I, along with the other aliens, who lived in Starmos City, wanted to escape the blistering heat, we aliens decided to move to a much cooler planet.
    Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter were too hot, and Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune were way to cold. A planet in the middle was just perfect and that planet was planet Earth. Some research and development was done before we moved to planet Earth and we, one by one, family by family, started to head into our flying saucers and arrived mostly in the temperate zone, the so called, ‘perfect zone.’ In about ten thousand and fifty five BC, we encountered the first humans that moved to the Temperate Zone. Aliens were immune to all creatures except for humans. When the humans first encountered the aliens, the humans felt very startled and started becoming panicky. Because humans weren’t equipped with the technology that could reduce the alien species to nothing, the humans threw spears at the aliens. While this seems antiquated as weaponry compared to aliens, we were threatened as we hadn’t completely evolved technologically either.
    The aliens eventually fled back to Starmos City and I started talking to Cornelius Von Alien, my granddaddy. I told Cornelius Von Alien, that I would stay on planet Earth. However, Cornelius Von Alien was concerned about my well being. So Cornelius Von Alien gave a warm farewell and wished me luck to live on my own. So I wished Cornelius Von Alien for good travels as he made his return back to Starmos City, and I never heard from him again. Later, that day, there was a nice human that told me about how to save myself from becoming extinct, and that was by shape shifting. I thought this particular human was crazy and that he was a harebrained human.
    However, he was far from that. Days and days I thought to myself about if I can turn into another creature and completely shape shift.
    Initially, I thought about turning into a human which would sound kind of weird. However, there was an anatomical similarity in terms of having the same type of an arm and walking the same. However, something reminded me that the humans were the ones who were behind the attempted alien extinction and what they were so I didn’t want to change to a human form because of the fact that it would be a curse to my kind. I decided the next creature I would turn into is a dinosaur but they were extinct at the time, and the only place that dinosaurs would survive is at an island that was basically a wildlife sanctuary somewhere in the Pacific. Then the oldest alien of the pack told me that I could have the capability of turning into an owl. They have a lot of wisdom and longevity, so that made it my best chance of surviving. Now, young man, what do you think of the story?”
    I answered as I was waking up from my sleep, “What? Oh, I was sleeping? Tell me the story over again.” The old owl replied, “How come, I should tell you the story over again? You know what, I will fly you home.”
    I said, “Okay then, you got it dude.”
    The old owl gathered his
    wings, and said, “Jump off this tree.” I said, “How come?” The owl Cornelius Von Owl said, “Just jump off the tree”, as he prepared his wings and expanded them. I said, “Okay then,” and I jumped off. The Old owl made me jump off of the tree and thankfully I didn’t fall to the ground. He swooped me right up as the gravity pulled me toward the ground. I was flying.
    We flew up to the tree tops and finally

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