The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel

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Book: The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel by Joseph Pidoriano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Pidoriano
talk to himself because Tom, like when most people talk to themselves, want a quiet place have their private “conversation.” Remember, everyone needs quiet time including Tom Jackson. So Tom Jackson walked away from Iron Steel. Iron Steel started calling to Tom Jackson in a snobby manner, “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” Tom Jackson, stopped and turned around looking at Iron Steel in the direction from which he had walked. The direction in which Tom Jackson had walked away from Iron Steel was North West of Iron Steel’s present location.
    Iron Steel repeated and asked again, “Young man, Where in the million different dimensions do you think you’re going?” Tom Jackson replied, “None of your business. Why do you want to know?”
    Steel answered, “I just simply want to know, where you are going?”
    Tom Jackson said in a sigh, “I am going to the wind in the willows to find the LSC.” Iron Steel replied, “I didn’t know that you were so very poetic.” Steel continued with a wisecracker type of an attitude, “Since when have you been poetic with your mouth, Edgar Allan Jackson?” Tom said in a shocked way, “Hey, don’t tease me like that. I am surprised that you would’ve teased somebody like that.”
    Tom continued in a smart aleck way back and in fact asked a question that was very menacing towards Iron Steel. Iron Steel’s ability to breathe fire has returned. Iron Steel started turning red and then shouted, “Shut up! I don’t act like a two year old for saying it.” From there, Iron Steel started to turn back to his original color and then said, “We will get the LSC, Tom.” Tom said in a skeptical way with a lack of understanding, “We will get what?”
    Iron Steel finally used his indoor voice and said with a snicker, “Tom, you’ve got to be kidding me. Why on earth don’t you know about the LSC?” Tom said, “Oh wait,” and Tom started to snap his fingers as if he was trying to figure out a mind boggling tongue twisting scenario. Tom continued to say, “Is the LSC, the thing that moves faster than the speed of light and it has the best forthcoming and talkative expressions and it communicates with you constantly and doesn’t know how to shut up?”
    Iron Steel said, “Yes. Are you done?”
    Tom Jackson said,
    “Why of course I am done. Now let’s go get that LSC. Say do you still have your aPhone?” Iron Steel answered, “Well, Tom, today is your lucky day!” Tom shouted in amusement, “Yes. Thanks bud!”
    Iron Steel, pressed the red button with his dragon nose and it was a bother for him. Iron Steel said, “Tom, would you mind doing this for me?” Tom Jackson answered, “Of course.” As Iron Steels dragon claw touched the phone. The phone was lying on the tip of Iron Steel’s claw. Iron Steel told Tom Jackson nervously, “Get it!” Tom Jackson said, “Get what?” as the phone started to slide off of the tip of his claw. Iron Steel shouted louder as he as the dragon was turning red “Get the phone!”
    Tom Jackson told Iron Steel, “You want me to get the phone,”
    as the phone started to slide off his dragon claw quicker. Tom approached his arm towards the claw and the phone started to fall off.
    Iron Steel shouted, “Get it now!” The phone fell off and was heading to crash to the ground. Right at the skin of the teeth, Tom caught the phone. Tom showed a sigh of relief. Iron Steel said, “I don’t believe we should wait for something to happen.” His vocal volume started to increase and continued, “Especially if we are in a situation that might affect us forever!” Tom said, “Cut it out man. Now what do I do?”
    Iron Steel said, “Okay this is what you do.” Tom interrupted and asked, “What?”
    Iron Steel said, “Okay, you want to get out of this dull dimension or do you want to get home back to earth? It is your choice.” Tom Jackson answered, “I want to get home now!” Iron Steel said like a smart aleck, “Well, guess

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