Louder Than Words

Free Louder Than Words by Laurie Plissner

Book: Louder Than Words by Laurie Plissner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Plissner
that athletic ability was synonymous with an elevated moral character? Even the principal seemed to believe that because these animals helped win football games they were automatically decent, honorable people, in spite of their regular appearances in detention. It made me want to tell everyone what they had tried to do to me the week before, but that could only get Ben and me into trouble. I had to hand it to Nunchuck Boy, he had it all covered—policeman, judge, jury, and executioner—all in one dreamy package … assuming that he was the one who had done the deed.
    Ben was waiting for me on the front steps of the library after school. “Well? How’d I do?”
    I can’t believe you did that. What if you got caught?
    I was starting to crush on him, and it wouldn’t be good if he got arrested less than a week after we met. My make-believe love life would end before it had even begun. Could he have conjugal visits in prison even if we weren’t married? Could I really fall in love with a possible lunatic who was into street justice?
    He shook his head and laughed. “I know what everybody’s thinking, remember? I had to do something. You’re the one who refused to go to the police—you left me no choice.” He took my backpack, opened the door to the library, and motioned me in ahead of him.
    So it’s my fault you went all Rambo on those morons? I didn’t ask you to retaliate on my behalf
    “Don’t feel guilty. It’s not your fault.”
    It sure felt like it was my fault.
I didn’t want or expect you to do anything, least of all take the law into your own hands. They almost had to have their things cut off
    No matter how much I despised them and what they had done to me, I couldn’t imagine hurting them back. I didn’t have the stomach for revenge, I guess.
    “So what if they did. Then they wouldn’t be able to put them where they don’t belong. Logical consequences. You shouldn’t take your hammer out of your toolbox unless someone asks you to nail something. It’s simple.” For him, the matter had been resolved, justice had been done, and my honor had been salvaged.
    Eww. Hanging a picture will never be quite the same for me. Thank you for that. What did you use, anyway? Are they really going to be okay?
    What if Ben had caused permanent damage? What if they were sterile? Although they were prime physical specimens, they weren’t too bright, so it was unlikely that any great advances in the world of science would be jeopardized if those goons couldn’t father children, but still …
    Ben stroked his chin. “It’s an old family recipe—also makes a kickass chili. I think they should make a full recovery, although I’ve never used the stuff on people before, only ground beef.”
    You sound completely insane
    “If it makes you feel any better, it’s totally organic, with no preservatives.”
    This was one big joke to him, and for a moment I wasn’t sure if he was just trying to protect me, or if I was on the verge of getting involved with a sociopath. No, it couldn’t be—he was too kind, and too handsome for that—and my four bullies were only being temporarily sidelined, just long enough to hopefully learn their lesson.
    Remind me not to get on your bad side … or eat your chili
    We had been sitting on my sofa in the library sunroom for several minutes already when Ben jumped up. “Is it okay that I sit here with you? I don’t want to invade your space or anything.” He smirked at me.
    Anyone who attempts chemical castration on my behalf is welcome to sit wherever he wants
    This couldn’t be happening. I was joking around with the guy of my dreams, and I wasn’t the least bit nervous. My only concern was that Ben was hearing everything I thought about him, not just what I wanted him to know, but there was no way around that. It was like the bathroom door of my mind was always open.

Chapter 7
    A month had passed since Dr. O’Rourke had told me that I was a do-it-yourself

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