real sly .
“Brady’s working there today till six o’clock,” Rachel told her, knowing that was the reason behind the suggestion.
“I know,” Lyndsey said, confirming Rachel’s thoughts. “Don’t you want to talk to him?”
Yes you do, Rach. You gotta admit it .
“I don’t want to look pushy,” she replied. “You won’t look pushy.”
“I don’t want to come on too strong,” she said. “Guys hate girls who come on too strong. Fragile egos and all that.”
“You won’t come on too strong,” Lyndsey repeated.
“I don’t want to seem desperate or anything.” “Face it, Rach. You are desperate.”
Right you are. It can’t be denied . The way Lyndsey glanced at her helped to apply the conviction.
“No, seriously,” Lyndsey continued. “You’re just going in to buy a costume for Jamie. Perfectly legit.”
Rachel sighed. “I don’t know….”
Lyndsey impatiently awaited a definite answer. “Well, do I drop you at the Discount Mart, or do I drop you off at the Dairy Queen? Which is it?”
Rachel realized she must first ask the girl who actually started the whole predicament. “Jamie....?”
“The Discount Mart,” Jamie said. Then, “Can we get ice cream after?”
“You bet,” Rachel said.
Another turn to the left, and the sedan went in the direction of a series of apartments, after which was a shopping district.
They didn’t notice the tow truck idling at the intersection a block away.
Chapter Nine
It was afternoon and it was hot. To Doctor Loomis it was hotter as hell compared to before, with the exception of the magnitude of temperature in what he had witnessed earlier that morning.
He had been out there---what was it---five, maybe six hours? He had lost track of the time, merely guessing at when he departed from the smoldering station and diner. He was walking up the road in the breakdown lane, and he realized as he went that if he kept an even, languid pace, he seemed to be all right; if he walked too fast, he would stagger and fall. He found that out the hard way a few miles back, when he staggered and hit his head on the asphalt. No damage done, though. At least none that he knew of. Hell, he’d been through worse.
The distant sound of a motor engine. He turned and spotted the station wagon; yes, it was a beige station wagon, and there appeared to be a family inside, a family with children. They looked like the kind of people who would help a desperate man in the middle of scorching desert. He could now cast aside his fear of being picked up by a gay rapist or a drug dealer ex—con.
He held out his thumb. It didn’t look like the station wagon was going to stop.
It didn’t.
Well, so much for that.
He came across a road sign:
EATON, Ill. 59mi.
HADDONFIELD, Ill. ll9mi.
Suddenly, another car engine echoed down the road; the engine of a red and white convertible. This time, this car slowed, veering over to the shoulder about fifty feet ahead. The car was filled with teenagers, and from the looks of them they were returning from a high school football game. Two girls, cheerleaders complete in skimpy yellow and black outfits with megaphone patches across their chests began to wave him towards the car.
Thank God .
“Thank you,” Loomis called out to them, trotting towards the vehicle, “....thank you for stopping....”
Just as he came up to the car, barely close enough to touch it, the rear wheels began to spin, propelling a roostertail of dust into the air around the doctor. The teenagers gave a hearty laugh as they proceeded up the road a short distance, then they swerved to the right and the vehicle halted again momentarily, leaving a trail of scorching tire marks upon the road. The car faced him sideways, encompassing both lanes of the highway. Someone struggled with his clothing in the back seat, and in the next moment a couple of pasty white bare naked ass cheeks hung out into the open air. The car then