Belle Gone Bad

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Book: Belle Gone Bad by Sabine Starr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabine Starr
between them, and tugged him over to the creek bank. She pointed at several footprints. “Someone with small feet walked here. It’s the first real indication that Diana is still alive.”
    â€œWhat about the kidnapper?”
    She gestured at other prints. “Big boots. Big man. That’s our kidnapper.”
    â€œI never doubted that she was still alive.”
    â€œHe’s gone to a lot of trouble, so I doubt he’ll harm her. Not yet, anyway.”
    â€œLet’s get after her.”
    She hesitated as he mounted, noticing the extra effort he had to expend to get on his horse’s back. He was getting weaker. She didn’t know how long he could stay upright.
    She quickly put a foot in Juniper’s stirrup and threw a leg over the saddle. She headed east, casting about in her mind for a place to leave Mercy where he’d be safe and could get help. A lot of open country spread out before them. Not too much of it was safe, especially for a sick tenderfoot.
    Mercy had friends at Burnt Boggy Saloon where he’d sculpted the bar till the tent burned down. If she could get him that far, she’d trust him with Red Dog and Slim. But what if Diana’s trail led in a different direction? She’d been leery of bringing Mercy with her from the first, but he’d appeared stronger in the Bend. Now she wasn’t sure which one needed her help the most, Mercy or Diana.
    He caught up with her. “I can tell you’re worrying about me.”
    She nodded but didn’t say anything.
    â€œDon’t. Diana comes first.”
    â€œDo you think you can make it to Burnt Boggy?”
    â€œWe don’t even know where it is. I left after it burned down.”
    â€œManny told me they had a new building south of the old place.”
    â€œWe’re going wherever that pacer’s tracks lead us.”
    â€œThere are doctors in Denison.”
    â€œI don’t need a doctor.”
    â€œYou look like you’ve got a fever.”
    â€œI probably do.”
    â€œWhat was Diana doing that a doctor couldn’t do?”
    â€œI don’t understand.”
    He rode closer. “You can’t leave me at Burnt Boggy. You’ve got to get me to Diana as quickly as possible.”
    She reached out and squeezed the hand grasping his saddle horn. Heat leaped between them again. She jerked away, feeling singed through her glove. “You’re too hot. We should have stayed at the creek. You could’ve cooled down there.”
    â€œThat won’t cure me.”
    â€œBut it’ll help.”
    â€œFor a bit, maybe.”
    â€œWhat kind of sickness is this?”
    â€œIf you’re worried about catching it, don’t.”
    She absently rubbed the twinge over her heart. Something wasn’t right. She didn’t want to look at him more closely. It’d been a long time since she’d used those skills. Not only did his life appear to be on the line, but he was drawing her into his danger as well. And that was only her immediate concern. Beyond them was Diana, the kidnapper, and the outlaws. She had to know more or they might not come out alive. She’d already lost Tex and Hackett. She had no intention of being next on the list.
    â€œIf you can stay in the saddle,” she said, “let’s ride to Buffalo Creek. They’ll probably spend the night at the Washita River or go on into Durant if they take the train.”
    â€œHow much longer?”
    â€œSeveral hours. Can you make it?”
    â€œWhen we get near the creek, we’ll go north away from the road and the trail. In case they’re lying in wait, I don’t want us heading into a trap.”
    â€œWhat about somebody behind us?”
    â€œI know a defensible spot.”
    â€œI hate to rest, not knowing about Diana.”
    â€œThe kidnapper lost time waiting for his friends. We’ll be up before dawn and back on

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