Belle Gone Bad

Free Belle Gone Bad by Sabine Starr

Book: Belle Gone Bad by Sabine Starr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabine Starr
Cooler nights were gaining ground. She could almost smell the tantalizing aromas of autumn. Folks would soon turn their calendars from September to October.
    She couldn’t let the search go on too long. This time of year the weather was changeable. They might get a blue norther raging down to blanket the land with wild winds and freezing rain, or a hot wind could blow storm clouds up from the south and drench them with warm rain. If the weather turned bad or even rained hard, the pacer’s tracks would be wiped out. She didn’t want to consider that possibility, but she must. Time wasn’t on their side in so many ways.
    Yet she said nothing of her fears and concerns to Mercy. He looked paler now that they’d crossed the Red River. If he got too sick to travel, she would need to find a safe place for him and go on alone. Though she couldn’t imagine leaving him behind. Maybe she’d already gotten used to his presence, or perhaps she’d worry if he was left to fend for himself. Either way, she hoped he found the stamina to keep up with her.
    When they came to Hickory Creek, she felt a chill run up her spine. She glanced around in concern and then rode over to the water. She studied the tracks in the mud on the bank. She recognized two sets of hoofprints. Diana and her kidnapper had dismounted and let their horses drink. Belle eased out of her saddle and knelt to get a closer look as she walked around the area. She grew more concerned by the moment.
    She glanced up at Mercy. “We’ve got bigger trouble.”
    â€œLooks like three riders joined them here.”
    â€œAre you sure?”
    She followed the trail out to the road and studied the hoofprints of five horses. They’d ridden east together several hours ago. She turned and walked back to Mercy. He didn’t look well.
    â€œWhy don’t we take a break?”
    â€œWe haven’t come far.” He pushed back the brim of his hat. “Shouldn’t we hurry to catch up with them?”
    â€œLet’s water the horses first.”
    He nodded, rode over to the creek, got down, and let his horse drink from the sparkling water.
    While Juniper drank his fill, Belle looked around more but didn’t change her mind about the newcomers. She joined Mercy where he sat leaning back against the broad trunk of an ancient oak tree. She removed her hat and fanned her face.
    â€œDiana and her kidnapper waited here for others to join them.”
    â€œThat’s good news, isn’t it? Now we’re not as far behind them.”
    â€œYes. But we’re up against four outlaws instead of one.”
    â€œThat’s not so good.” He took off his hat and wiped his brow with the back of his hand.
    â€œHow are you feeling?” She didn’t like the way he was sweating on a day that wasn’t too hot.
    â€œI’ll make it.”
    â€œLooks like they’re headed east.”
    â€œWhy go there?”
    â€œThey could catch the Katy train at Durant and travel north.”
    â€œThen we’d lose them.”
    â€œNo. Travelers would see them.”
    â€œWhat if they go deeper into Indian Territory?”
    â€œThat’s what I expect, but we can’t be sure.”
    â€œWhat if they’ve got a friend trailing us?”
    â€œWe stay one step ahead.”
    â€œI don’t like it.”
    â€œNeither do I.” She stood up. “We’d better get back on the trail.”
    He eased up and leaned toward her. “I’ll keep up.”
    â€œWe’ll camp early.”
    â€œNot on my account.” He set his hat on his head, a crooked smile on his lips. “Shouldn’t we make up time?”
    â€œIf we had a relay of horses, it’d be possible. As it is, we can’t wind our mounts trying to catch up.”
    â€œBut what about Diana?”
    â€œCome here.” Belle grabbed his hand, felt the sudden heat that spun

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