The Last Infection: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

Free The Last Infection: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Michael W. Garza

Book: The Last Infection: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Michael W. Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael W. Garza
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
temples, followed by waves of pain across his forehead. His head felt as if it was going to explode at any moment. He could tell his hands and legs were bound. There was no give to his bindings and he already knew before he opened his eyes that he wasn’t going to like what he saw.
    A strong pulse of light forced his eyes to slam together the moment he cracked them open. Chris tried again , but only managed to open them a sliver of the way. The light came from a lone bulb dangling from the ceiling of a cramped space. Jenn was tied to a chair not far from him. Her eyes were open, but a firmly wrapped rag kept her from speaking. There was no sign of the kids. The only other occupant in the room was sitting directly across from him. His thick plaid button up and florescent vest tabbed him as a hunter of sorts. He balanced a shotgun across his lap, but his full attention was on a wrinkled Playboy in his hands.
    Chris slid his eyes from the hu nter back to Jenn and found her stare on him. The terror on her face spoke volumes. She’d seen something else and whatever it was, it still had a firm grip on her. Chris shifted his sight back on their watcher and discovered him looking up at both of them. He didn’t say a word as he put the magazine down and took hold of his gun. He made his way to the only door in the room and left, closing the door behind him.
    “Are you okay?” Chris asked. She shook her head as the fear in her eyes intensified. “Are we okay?” he clarified. She shook her head intensely. Chris chose to ignore the ominous reply. There wasn’t much he could do about it anyway. “Are Jake and Alicen close?” She shrugged.
    He had numerous other questions , but the back and forth came to a sudden halt when the door swung open. The watcher from before entered first, his eyes focused on Jenn as he retook his seat. Three additional men followed him, all in similar garb. Two of the new arrivals stood by the back wall while the third took center stage.
    The man came to a stop directly under the lone light. Dressed in comparable hunter’s attire, he couldn’t have fitted in with the others if he tried. The mountain man towered over Chris, looking down at him with menacing eyes. Most of his face was shrouded behind an unkempt beard that hung down to the middle of his chest. He paid little attention to Jenn, dismissing her with a glance and wave of his hand.
    The two men standing snapped to attention and rushed her from the corner of the room. They sprang into action, grabbing hold of the chair she was tied to and lifting it from the floor. Jenn kicked and screamed as they calmly carried her out and slammed the door shut, leaving the small room in deafening silence. When the mountain man finally spoke, he did so in a deep booming voice Chris fully expected.
    “My name is Eddie Walker, but the people here call me Mr. Walker. I’m here to inform you that you and your group have violated the boundaries of the sovereign state of West Denver.”
    Chris blurted out the first thing the popped into his mind.
    “What the hell are you talking about?”
    Mr. Walker fell silent and a quiet reserve washed across his face. The lone remaining guard stood up and stepped around him, then without warning, he punched Chris in the mouth.
    “Only speak when asked a question.”
    Chris’ vision blurred as he fought to keep from blacking out. He felt a fire erupt across the side of his face. He spit a wad of blood on the floor as he tried to breathe. The guard returned to his seat and Mr. Walker continued.
    “For your violation , your women are forfeit and you will assimilate or we will find another use for you.”
    Chris had another question , but managed to stop himself before he asked it. Mr. Walker finished with a lasting declaration.
    “Time will tell if you live or die.” He started to leave and reached the door before turning back. “Do you have any questions?”
    Chris wasn’t sure if he was being set up for another hit, but

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