Vanishing Point (Circle of Spies Novella)

Free Vanishing Point (Circle of Spies Novella) by Laura Pauling

Book: Vanishing Point (Circle of Spies Novella) by Laura Pauling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Pauling
“Definitely.” Marisa opened her eyes and calculated the months. How could she forget? Savvy’s birthday was coming up. And just not any birthday. Her sweet sixteen.  
    Marisa sipped her iced-tea. “What were you thinking about?”
    “I was thinking I could do something cool with my friends and then something with you and Dad afterwards.”  
    Marisa studied her daughter and wondered what she’d done to be so blessed. “That sounds terrific. What about a square dance? I bet the Browns would lend us their hay barn in the off season.”
    “Uh, Mom.” Savvy gave her mom the look that every teenage daughter at some point gives her parents at some outlandish and outdated suggestion. “Seriously?”  
    “Fine. Fine. What are your ideas?”
    Savvy started talking a mile a minute, babbling out places and names and ideas. A smile lit her face and she became more animated the more she talked.
    Marisa’s phone buzzed from inside her purse. It had to be her karate instructor gently reminding her about class. That had to be it. Yet, the thought of answering her phone caused sudden sweat to tickle her armpits.
    “Mom. Your phone?”  
    “Oh, right.” But Marisa kept her eyes on Savvy. “Continue on with your ideas.”
    The phone buzzed again.
    “Answer your phone. I didn’t spend time teaching you how to use it for you to ignore callers. Go ahead.”
    Marisa fumbled in her purse and found the phone under a Tasty Cakes wrapper. She ignored the guilt. After Paris she’d been really good about exercise and diet but with each passing week, the feeling of safety grew, as did her lack of self-control. “Hello?”  
    Will’s deep voice resonated against her ear. “Ms. DeWilflower.”  
    “Susanna!” Marisa held a finger up to Savvy. “It’s been a while. How are you?” Any tiny bit of safety seeped out, leaving her cold and scared.  
    “The plane tickets are purchased under Beatrice DeWilflower. You leave the middle of next week. For Greece.”
    Marisa coughed up some of her tea then stepped away from the table out of hearing range. “So soon? Well, I mean, don’t you think that’s a bit rushed?”  
    “It’s a full week. How much more time do you need?”
    Marisa didn’t care for the tone of his voice. “I’m sorry but next weekend is my daughter’s birthday.”  
    “Might I remind you that these missions are about protecting your daughter and husband?” Then Will hung up.
    Two seconds later, Marisa heard the loud screech of metal ripping and then the screams.  
    She whipped around in time to see the large blinking diner sign crash through the canopy and land right on their table. People screamed and rushed away, tripping over each other and the tipped chairs in their rush.  
    Savvy! Where was Savvy?
    Marisa dove into the scene of danger. “Savvy!” She didn’t realize she was screaming and frantically flipping over the plastic tables until someone grabbed her arms.
    She fought against them. “My daughter!”
    “Mom! It’s me.”
    Marisa turned, sobbing, and pulled Savvy into her arms, patting her hair and back. She was safe. “How’d you get out?”
    Savvy flashed a weak smile. Her face was pale. “I was in the bathroom.”  
    “Well, thank God for small bladders.” Marisa tried to laugh it off.
    The management came out and pulled everyone to the side. They offered free dinners and apologized profusely. Several angry customers threatened to make calls and shut them down. Marisa just grabbed Savvy’s hand and they slipped away. Safe, but shaken.
    Silence fell in the car. Savvy fiddled with the radio. Marisa stared at the road, her fingers tightly wrapped around the steering wheel. Hot prickles spread across her body as she questioned the timing of the falling sign and Will’s call.
    Her phone buzzed.
    She picked it up right away. “Hello.”
    “Don’t ever think I make empty threats. Your tickets for Greece are waiting.” Then he hung up.
    Marisa continued to yap into the phone

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