Avalon Revisited

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Book: Avalon Revisited by O. M. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: O. M. Grey
petulant child and stood before me, obviously grumpy, holding the silver platter defensively over his heart, as if I’d pluck it out in my anger. I might just if he keeps up such behavior. I sat down again, shoving the newspaper into his hands.
    “As I said in my room, I did not kill this woman.” We stared at each other intently, but I didn’t continue until he lowered his eyes. I shouldn’t have to play such alpha male games with my manservant. Indeed! “But it does seem that things do not look good for us, dear man. As you likely read in the article, I did have my face covered, so I will unlikely be identified. The only people who knew I was at the brothel are in this room, and, quite possibly, the actual killer.
    Perhaps there was another vampire in London. In fact, I would be quite shocked if there were not more of my kind in a city this large. Still, the article said nothing about fang marks, but rather said the poor woman’s throat was ripped out. Anyone, vampire or not, could’ve done that.”
    “Indeed, m’lord. My apologies for my behavior.” Cecil bowed to me and resumed his normal demeanor. “I believe that you did not kill the woman, but as you said, it isn’t a good situation, for now the police no longer think this a random act of violence. They see a pattern, and there will be an investigation.”
    “But there is nothing to tie me to the crimes.”
    “Except your scarf, m’lord. Countless people saw you in it last night at the gala,” Cecil said.
    “True, but I was hardly the only man there with black silk scarf.” Still, he did have a point. I would have to get a new scarf, identical to the last, before the next formal event. Thankfully, the scarf was simple and black, without a pattern on it, quite common in my circle.
    “Let’s just wait and see how the investigation progresses before getting too nervous, shall we? After all, I’ve overcome far worse. Two drops, please. My tea is getting cold.”
    With a sigh, Cecil obliged and left. I stirred my tea slowly and gazed out into the grey London day. My thoughts returned to Avalon. Such a dangerous place for a young woman, London. Especially a single, unmarried woman like Avalon. I must find a way to see her again and put all this murder nonsense behind me. She was by far more interesting.
    Still this murder was strange. To happen so shortly after I left couldn’t be just a coincidence, could it? Certainly the whore wouldn’t have stayed in that position for long. She was, after all, still strapped to the table when they found her. Was there another vampire in London? It certainly would be interesting to meet another, but this new player must learn some basic rules. One can’t go around indiscriminately killing and still expect to survive in society! Oh no. Perhaps I could be a mentor, of sorts. Perhaps he was following me for that very reason.
    I pondered on the concept of me as mentor for a moment and decided that wouldn’t work. I truly didn’t have the patience or desire to teach another. No. I’d rather go it alone, or with Avalon, of course. I could certainly teach her a few things.
    I sipped my tea. Cold. Setting it down, I looked out at the street. The traffic outside my window was quite busy, normal for a late Sunday morning, as everyone was returning from church. Such a devout populace. I had a special loathing for the Church of England, mostly because my brother pretty much created it for the sole purpose to divorce my beloved Catherine.
    That fat bastard. I did enjoy watching him die of syphilis, though. He deserved much worse.

    Many of these pious people were now heading over to Hyde Park for an afternoon picnic.
    Lovely day for it. Perhaps I’d be lucky enough to run into Emily Bainbridge again and make up for my rudeness yesternight.
    After all, she was the only sure way back to Avalon.


Chapter 7
    Just before five, I returned from the park in time to meet Nicholas for tea. He would likely be late, as he

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