Free A CRY FROM THE DEEP by Unknown

Book: A CRY FROM THE DEEP by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
rusted iron.
    Was that what she wanted for Alex—a mother who’d gone too far and couldn’t find her way out? It’d be irresponsible for her to risk her life, but wasn’t that what she was doing by taking the assignment? But if she didn’t, she’d always wonder what she would have missed. Frank was right; she had to face her fears. Alex needed a mother who was strong and confident.
    In the locker room, she put on the Claddagh ring she’d left in her jeans pocket. She looked at the two hands holding the heart and wondered if the woman who’d worn this ring had found happiness. Not that Catherine was unhappy. But one day, Alex would leave and then what? The thought of not having anyone to talk to at the end of a day caused a lump to rise in her throat.
    But would that be so bad? There were more singles now than ever, and from everything she’d read, most were having a good time. Why even Oprah, the richest woman in the world, had chosen to ride out her days alone.
    The following morning, Daniel picked Catherine up in his Toyota Prius for the two-hour drive to Dutch Springs, a man-made dive site in Pennsylvania. She was hardly in the car when he leaned across her to get his sunglasses out of the glove compartment. His subtle lime aftershave aroused her, causing her to squirm in her seat. Hoping to suppress any erotic thoughts, she gazed out the side window. She wondered if he had any similar feelings. Thinking about how he’d kiss her on the neck and fondle her breasts, she squirmed again. She almost laughed out loud at her body’s reaction. Obviously, she’d been on her own too long. Thankfully, her wild imaginings were unexpectedly calmed when Daniel dialed the radio to a FM station playing Beethoven’s wind Quintet in E-flat Major.
    With Beethoven’s composition a soothing counterpoint to the traffic bustling by, she thought once more about the serenity of her farm, and how quickly the tempo of her life had changed. It was as if she was being tugged along by invisible strings. How much of what was happening was free will and how much was pre-destined? At times like this, Catherine lamented straying from the church. She surmised that people with strong faith were less confused. They accepted whatever happened as part of God’s plan.
    After more thought, she surmised she was muddled for a number of reasons—the whole business of diving again and being back in a city where so much had gone wrong. Maybe staying at Richard’s wasn’t such a good idea. He’d been so welcoming. So welcoming in fact, she began to wonder if she’d made a mistake leaving him in the first place.
    Maybe it’d be better if she and Alex stayed at Lindsey’s place. Her best friend had a two- bedroom loft in Soho and was more than willing to put them up. When it came time for Catherine to fly to Ireland, Alex could stay with her father or grandmother. But if they moved to Lindsey’s now, how fair would that to be Alex? Lindsey’s apartment was a bit of a commute from Richard’s, which could be a problem, given everyone’s commitments. And then, there was the other problem. Lindsey’s musician boyfriend also stayed there, and who knew what kind of friends he had over. Catherine couldn’t count on that being a healthy environment for a child. Of course, Catherine could go herself and leave Alex with Richard, but with the Irish trip looming, it wasn’t an appealing option. She’d be leaving her daughter soon enough.
    “You’re deep in thought.” Daniel’s warm hazel eyes were inquiring.
    “Was it that obvious?” She sighed. “I’m going through culture shock. The city seems more intense than what I remember.”
    “You must miss Provence.”
    “This time of year, the fields are turning green almost overnight. And the air is so fresh, it’s almost magical.”
    “One of these days, I’ll get over there.” He looked straight ahead as they passed a semi on the right.
    She pulled the visor down to block the

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