Impossible Desires (novella)

Free Impossible Desires (novella) by Tamsin Baker

Book: Impossible Desires (novella) by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
fingers to push against her sensitive inside walls. Eleanor bucked and moaned, opening her legs wider. A smile stretched across Gareth’s face. He had never had such freedom to touch her before. It was exhilarating.
    Just as her body began to tighten he withdrew his fingers, and picked up the end of the leather reins to bring the leather down onto her bare arse.
    “Trust me, please,” Gareth said, soothing the hurt with his hand. He knew how this felt, and he knew it would get better.
    She nodded again, laying down flat and opening her legs.
    He brought the leather down onto her lower back this time and she groaned.
    Gareth did it again and again, stopping only to soothe the pink skin. Dropping to his knees he began to kiss her plump flesh.
    “More, please.”
    He rubbed his lips across her skin once again.
    “No, Gareth, please.”
    No? What was she saying? She wanted him to stop?
    “I’ll stop,” he reassured her, grabbing her wrists to undo the leather binding. He had known it would be too much for her – she didn’t like the pain.
    “No!” she yelled, holding onto the leather.
    “Master, I need more lashes. Please, harder.”
    Gareth straightened, his purpose clear.
    Crack. The leather hit her arse and she moaned. Gareth hit her again and again, smoothing his hands over her flesh every few strikes until her skin glowed and she was moaning continuously.
    He could see her floating away as he had when she had used the crop on him. He pulled his shirt over his head and tore his breeches off. He knelt behind his Mistress, as she always would be to him, and put his face between her legs.
    She groaned, sounding like she was in pain, and pushed her hips back to him. He thrust his tongue into her, lapping at the juices that flowed down her legs. Reaching forward he licked her swollen clit until she was undulating against him.
    “I’m going to come, Gareth. Please.”
    Gareth spanked her once more for good measure, pulled back, unbuttoned his breeches, and thrust into her warm depths.
    She came instantly, shuddering and gripping him over and over. A feral noise erupted out of his chest. He thrust into her harder and harder, riding her orgasm as it went on and on. Lights flashed behind his eyes as his own release ripped through him and jets of warm seed pulsed out of him. Gareth threw his head back and roared, the victor in this game they had been playing.
    When sanity returned, he realized that she was sobbing, her chest heaving.
    The pain in Gareth’s chest was like nothing else he had felt. He was sickened with himself. How could he have done that to her?
    Withdrawing from her, he untied the leather straps as quickly as he could, and threw a blanket over her naked body before scooping her up into his arms.
    “Sweetheart, I am so sorry. So sorry.” He shuddered, tears streaming down his own face.
    How could something so good turn so bad?
    “No, no, don’t cry, please…” Eleanor sobbed against his chest, her hands coming up to caress his face.
    Gareth moved over to an old chair by the fire, sat down and began to rock her.
    She had found release, he knew she had, so why was she crying like her heart was breaking? He held her and stroked her long, black hair until she slowed, her arms tightening around him.
    Remembering what she had said to him the first time they had played, he bent close to whisper in her ear.
    “Thank you for your gift, my love. Your trust in me was perfect.”
    A soft laugh broke out from between her lips and she raised her head to him. Her green eyes shimmered and her nose was red. She looked so vulnerable, and yet so incredibly beautiful.
    “No, you were perfect. Exactly what I needed.”
    Gareth’s heart lifted.
    “Then why were you crying like your heart was breaking?”
    Eleanor wiped at the tear tacks on her cheeks and sniffed loudly. She was slowly coming back into herself, he could see it.
    Where were his pants? She needed a handkerchief.

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