Impossible Desires (novella)

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Book: Impossible Desires (novella) by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
don’t think I cried once in all the years with my husband. You released everything in me that has wanted to get out. You gave me everything that he never did.”
    His cheeks flushed with heat. What was he going to say to that? She unmanned him with one sentence, and she didn’t need a whip.
    She sat straighter in his lap, rubbing across the sensitive head of his cock. Wincing, he shifted her in his lap.
    She looked up and he saw the fire, bright as ever.
    “Don’t think I’ll hand control over to you all the time though. This was wonderful, but I like being on top.”
    The pleasure her words brought was so unexpected and so reassuring that he couldn’t help but grin.
    “Of course Mistress, but I like my top time too.”
    The smile Eleanor gave him was one he would never forget. They crawled into bed and rested for the day.
    In the carriage on the way home, Eleanor realized she had to find out which one Gareth preferred. Could she give him power all the time if he decided that was what he wanted?
    She had taken a chance on him initially, knowing how dominant a person he was in everyday life. Would he regret his submission to her now that he had a taste of the power? She had to find out.
    His brown eyes turned to her quickly, a question posed there already.
    “Yes, my love?”
    Eleanor had to swallow down the lump in her throat when he called her that. He had never said that he loved her, but his actions spoke much louder than any words not said.
    “I need to know how you felt during our playtime today.”
    His face transformed into a veritable god. His eyes lit up, and his smile was breathtaking. She was in trouble.
    “I loved every single minute of it. Except when you burst into tears.”
    Eleanor swallowed again.
    “So you prefer being the Master then?”
    A furrow deepened in his brow, his eyes showing worry.
    “Why are you asking, Eleanor? I thought we had agreed to share the role.”
    Grasping onto the plush cushions released some of her stress, but she needed to hear the words from him.
    “We did, but I need to know what you prefer. I don’t think I can be submissive all the time.”
    He burst out laughing.
    Although it was a beautiful sight to behold, Eleanor felt it like a slap to the face. She was baring her soul and he was laughing at her. She dropped her eyes to her lap, bringing her hands into the folds of her skirt so he couldn’t see the way they were clenched into fists.
    “Eleanor, look at me.”
    She looked up, still angry.
    “Do you remember when I knelt behind you and licked you until you were about to come?”
    Eleanor flushed and nodded. She never found it embarrassing to talk about such things when she was in Mistress mode, but she was feeling vulnerable today. Not like her at all.
    “The reason I did that was because I want to serve you. If it gives you the most pleasure to dominate me in the bedroom, then we can do that most of the time. My orgasms are always better when you have control of me, and the intensity is intoxicating.”
    Her heart soared and a smile started to stretch across her lush mouth.
    “So you will allow me to be your Mistress?”
    Gareth scooped her up and placed her in his lap. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and squeezed him tight.
    “I want you to be my Mistress all the time. I get more pleasure from it and it is also a relief to forget myself, to let someone else be in charge for a while. So much of my life is stressful. My responsibilities are many and far-reaching. But when you have me tied up and at your mercy, I don’t need to worry about a thing because I know you will take care of me.”
    Love swelled within her breast as though it were a flower waking to the sun on a cold morning. He was everything she had ever wanted in her life.
    “Gareth, thank you.”
    His gaze turned serious and she stopped smiling.
    “Though I would like an occasional turn like today, I would also like the control in our life. You can

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