Unexpected Treasure: A High Seas Adventure

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Book: Unexpected Treasure: A High Seas Adventure by Tammy Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Andresen
don’t mean to stir trouble, but would we still be married if my estate had been entailed? Would you have still wanted me?”
    His hand came to her face. She was his soulmate. How did she not know that? “My love, from the first moment I saw you, I wanted you more than I could imagine. Fate has brought us together because we were meant to be. I would have married you no matter what, but the very fact that you were the woman promised to me says that we are destined.” His lips came down on hers. “Have I thanked you yet for saving my life?”
    “No, as a matter of fact, you haven’t.” Her eyes shown and he knew that she returned his love. “I can think of a few ways you can thank me.”
    His lips came down on hers again in a lingering kiss. “Let’s go set your estate to right. We’re going to be busy tonight.”


    Sarah sat with her feet up on a stool as she glanced out her windows, to watch the water lap at the shore. Around her, Rex, his father, and several staff bustled about. “Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”
    “Don’t move a muscle, my love. You will be busy enough over the next few weeks.” Rex grimaced as walked over to her chair, placing his hand on her belly. “The Prince Regent will have many social gatherings planned and you will need your strength.” His lips grazed her temple.
    “I will be fine, honestly. I’ve never felt better in my life.” She made to get up but Rex’s father joined his son and wagged his finger at her.
    “I’m not so sure. You are very far along, perhaps we should cancel this trip. Prinny will understand.”
    “Nonsense! I have another month at least.”
    “My dear, Rex is right. You carry the first Master’s heir and the next earl or countess. We must keep you in good health.”
    Sarah gave them a brief nod. While she would be completely fine, years of being treated harshly made their pampering all the more sweeter, so she indulged them. A little exercise always made her feel good, but they were right. She would be busy over the next few weeks as they made their second visit to see their ruler.
    On the last visit, Rex had been bequeathed a title of his own for his service to the crown. He had been given lands that bordered her own estate, though they would continue to live in her home. Rex said he couldn’t want anything more.
    Rex’s family, being in the bordering county, visited often, which delighted Sarah to no end. They had taken her in as family and she had never been happier.
    “Mayhap, we could take a short walk. I feel restless. A little exercise may do me good before we board.”
    Rex gave his father an anxious glance but nodded his approval. “I really must insist on cancelling this trip, Sarah, I want you in the best health for the birth.”
    “I am fine… oh.” Her hands went to her belly as it tightened, sending cramping pains throughout her mid-section. She reached for her husband and his one hand grasped hers and the other came around her back. “Perhaps you are right,” she said breathlessly.
    “Call for the doctor and the midwife. Fetch me ink and parchment, I must write to Prinny.”
    “Get Anne and Mrs. Flannery. I need them,” she huffed out.
    “Of course, my love.” He began walking her towards the bed.
    “I don’t want to lay in the bed yet, keep moving.” Gritting her teeth, she clasped Rex’s hand harder.
    After two more laps around the room, Mrs. Flannery bustled in. “Why isn’t she in bed?”
    “She doesn’t want to.” Rex raised his eyebrows as if the question were silly.
    Sarah smiled despite the situation. She wondered if Rex missed the meeker her. “I feel better walking. I’ll move until I can’t.”
    “You should save your strength and you should leave.” Mrs. Flannery pointed at Rex.
    “I’m staying.” His jaw stuck out.
    “And I’m walking. All I’ve done is save my bloody strength. I want to move.” She squeezed Rex’s hand to signal him to start

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