Unexpected Treasure: A High Seas Adventure

Free Unexpected Treasure: A High Seas Adventure by Tammy Andresen

Book: Unexpected Treasure: A High Seas Adventure by Tammy Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Andresen
the lids off of the crates. Wentworth and the other gentlemen began pocketing goods. Military maps, stamps, bags of gold, and other assorted items went into their pockets. “The rest is for you, as agreed.”
    “Au contraire,” Rex pulled out his pistols and stepped out of the shadows. “You will empty your pockets and then you are all under arrest for stealing from the crown.”
    Wentworth drew a weapon and his crew followed suit.
    Rex’s crew, while still in disguise, rushed to his aid. Outgunned by several men, the other two gentlemen put their hands in the air. But Wentworth kept his gun trained on Rex. He needed the man to surrender his weapon before Sarah reappeared. He didn’t want her in any danger.
    “I remember you. You were at the club.” Wentworth spat the words.
    “Aye,” Rex quirked his eyebrows at the other man.
    “You weren’t there to bid.”
    “Nay,” Rex was slowly moving closer. He intended to take the weapon from the other man.
    “Where is Sarah now? She is my niece. I’ve a right to―“ Wentworth shouted before Rex cut him off.
    “You’ve no rights, whatsoever.” Rex’s blood pounded in his ears as he said the words. The audacity off Wentworth to think Rex would ever tell him anything about Sarah. But his anger dulled his reactions and too late, he saw Wentworth squeezing the trigger of his pistol.
    A gun roared, and then a brief second later, another let loose. He heard a shot go by and then a burning sensation pierced the top of his ear. Paying it no mind, he raced forward to grab Wentworth’s gun but the man had fallen to the ground. Grabbing the weapon, Rex scanned the other man’s body to see blood oozing from his upper thigh.
    Jerking his head to the side, his eyes landed on Sarah. Pistol still held in the air as a thin trail of smoke rose from the barrel. In an instant, he realized that Sarah had shot her uncle a mere second before Wentworth had shot at him. It had saved his life.
    Several of his men rushed forward and seized Wentworth.
    “You,” Wentworth gasped. “You little bitch. I should have―“
    Rex cuffed him hard across the face. “You’ll never speak to my wife again.”
    “Wife!” Wentworth’s eyes were spitting hatred as he looked from one to the other.
    “Uncle, may I introduce you to Lord Alexander Masters.”
    “You plotted against me with the crown. You don’t know what you’ve done you stupid―“
    Rex backhanded him a second time.
    “I know exactly what I’ve done. It’s you who didn’t properly think plans through.” She turned to the other gentleman. “Remy, it’s a pleasure to see you as well.” Sarah raised her pistol towards the smaller man.
    “Please Sarah. I had no idea he would try to auction…the audacity…I needed his help. I was failing.” The other man stuttered as she pointed the gun.
    “The Prince Regent will deal with you both.” She lowered her weapon and turned to Rex.
    As the sailors began lowering the prisoners into a dingy so that they could bring them to his ship, Sarah rushed into his arms. “Are you all right?” she sobbed as her hand touched his ear.
    “Fine, love. It is but a scratch. How are you?”
    “Better than I have been for a long time, I think.” Giving him a glorious smile, she waved towards the shore. “Will you have a doctor look at my uncle’s leg?”
    “Yes, I think I will. We want him nice and healthy for his trial.” His lips came down on hers, giving her a squeeze. “What are your thoughts on the staff?”
    “Most are loyal to me while a few others will need to be dealt with.” Her uncle’s most trusted servant had been with her uncle and was now under arrest but a few more had helped her uncle to make her life miserable. Several had gone out of their way to aid her when they could.
    “Well, let’s go deal with the staff, shall we?” He wrapped his arm around waist. She looked uncertain as her eyes met his. Something was bothering her. “What’s wrong?”
    “Rex, I

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