Hesta towering over Ariel who was still sleeping. The healer was also in her Lycan form.
    She raised a sharp hand. "Child!" Hesta growled. "Please do not fear me. I would never hurt you or your sister."
    Alex felt faint as she gaped at Hesta's frightening appearance. "I know," she said, willing her heart to stop racing.
    The healer growled her satisfaction before she turned to Ariel lying on the cot. "Thank the stars the sedative I gave her is still in her system," she growled. "I wouldn't want the child to witness this blood-filled night."
    Alex choked back on a strangled sob. She had to do something. She couldn't just stand there and wait. "Hesta, where are my weapons?" She couldn't protect Ariel from the werewolves with her bare hands. She needed her silver.
    "They're in the black crate next to the horses, but you cannot leave this tent, child."
    Her heart raced as she heard terrible noises coming from outside. She heard growls and sharp yelps, howling and thrashing. Her mind went to Vasilis and for a split second, she feared for his life. Panicked, she turned to the tent's entrance.
    "I have to get my weapons!"
    "Stop!" Hesta growled. She threw her bow and arrow across the tent. Alex caught it. "Use my silver. I have my dagger."
    Alex nodded and crouched by the entrance, opening the flap enough for her to see what was happening outside. "Sweet Mother of God," she whispered hoarsely, seeing the guards battle the wolves. Limbs were gashed, blood covered the site, arrows pierced fur. She felt sick watching a wolf gnash a chunk of flesh from another wolf. She prayed it was one of the guards who was the attacker and not the other way around.
    She stiffened violently as she saw a wolf running toward her tent. With instinctive reflex, she drew back her bow and shot an arrow straight through its heart. Almost immediately, the wolf transformed into the figure of a naked man, the arrow trailing a string of blood on his bare chest.
    Alex screamed and snapped her gaze back to Hesta. "It changed to a man!"
    "Aye. We all do in death," Hesta growled. "They're an evil bunch, child. They hide in the mountains and attack on full moons to turn humans to their dark side."
    Alex looked back at the war going on outside, her bow readied for attack. "But it's not a full moon tonight."
    "Tonight they want to feast on the little one."
    "They will have to die trying," she said grimly as she kept her hand steady on her bow, ready to kill anything that approached her.
    She caught her breath as she saw two grey wolves racing toward the tent. She drew back her bow, ready to release it, when she saw Vasilis in his Lycan form spring between them and grab their heads with his massive taloned hands. Alex froze as she watched the wolves twist and writhe from his grasp, biting into his flesh. He grabbed one by the neck and threw it in the air as a brown wolf approached menacingly from the left. Alex sucked in a harsh breath. She had to help him. She drew her bow back and aimed for one of the wolves, when Vasilis shifted into his wolf form. All she could see was a mass of fur and fangs, gnashing and ripping and she panicked. Vasilis was the massive black wolf, but they were all moving so fast she was afraid she was going to hit him by mistake.
    She got a clear shot of one of the grey wolves and released her arrow. It struck him in the chest and the wolf immediately transformed into the body of a man as it fell dead to the ground.
    The battle around the camp was dying down and she prayed none of the guards were hurt, but she couldn't pay much attention to that because she still had her gaze pinned on Vasilis.
    She watched him rise on his haunches, growling ferociously at the brown wolf. Slowly, he circled it, ready to pounce. Alex threw back the flap and stood outside of her tent. She drew back her bow and released another arrow to the grey wolf that was ready to attack Vasilis from behind.
    Vasilis shifted into his Lycan form and snapped his amber gaze to her

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