Bright Fire (Bright Fire Series Book 1)

Free Bright Fire (Bright Fire Series Book 1) by M.J. Austin

Book: Bright Fire (Bright Fire Series Book 1) by M.J. Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.J. Austin
fall to the ground.
    "Look, I'm new at all of this and I've had a rough few days. I don't know what to do or think, and I could use some understanding." She softens, but just a little. "I didn't lie. My dad is a psychopath, my mom is his prisoner, and I really did want to keep you and your mom safe."
    She grabs my hand. "I know I'm just butt hurt because I've been lonely while you've been galavanting with the fr— I mean, Alec. I was scared I'd never see you again." Her eyes are glistening.
    I put my hand up. "Nope, no tears. If you cry, I'll cry, and we will be like a bad cliché."
    She chuckles lightly.
    "Look, I wanted to tell you but I was afraid you would like not wanna be my friend because I can do freaky things and am pretty much the spawn of Satan."
    She looks confused. "Aww come on you're not the spawn of Satan just because your dad is a psycho." She looks at me sympathetically.
    "No, I am technically the spawn of Satan." I decide it’s time to come clean, so I dive head first and tell her the story from beginning to end.
    "Woah." It’s all she says for a minute. "You are actually the spawn of Satan. Well, Hades, anyway and now you are signed up for a dangerous quest to save your mother like Zelda or something. That's actually … Pretty freaking awesome!" she blurts out.
    "Yeah," I say half-heartedly.
    "Well, except for your parents dying. That part sucks," she says sheepishly. Her cheeks turn pink.
    "I know what you mean." I squeeze her hand to let her know I’m not offended. Much. "So you're ok with all of this?"
    "Well yeah. I mean, I'm still a little freaked out." My shoulders slump. "No, not by you. Your powers are kind of cool. More about the whole doom and gloom, you could die part."
    I’m relieved that she isn't looking at me like a sideshow anymore.
    "So, what do we do?" She infuses her voice with pep to show support.
    "Um, we aren't going to do anything. I can't let you get involved it's too risky." No way am I going to have her death on my hands.
    "Yes you can," she says. "I’m here with you, and I may not have powers, but I’ve got mad sidekick skills."
    "She's right you know." I jump. Cass puts a hand on my shoulder. "You can't do this alone, and she will prove to be quite useful. You just can't see it yet." She beams at Lyla.
    "Yeah, not all of us have a future helper cheat sheet, you know."
    My mood doesn't phase her. "Yes, that's true."
    "OK, I'll let her help, but only if you promise her future doesn't involve a fiery death. And if you see anything bad happening to her, you tell me."
    She nods.
    "Where do we start?" Lyla asks.
    Cass looks at the clock. "Well first, you go home."
    "What?!" Lyla’s voice is at a decibel only dogs should be able to hear.
    "Calm down. It's almost past your curfew, and we can't afford to have your mom send the police around town looking for you. No, you can go home and rest; which is all we will be doing here anyways."
    "OK," she mumbles. She looks like someone just broke her favorite set of earrings. She gets up to leave, and runs back to give me a rib-crushing hug. "I am really glad your not dead." And then she’s gone.
    Cass sits down next me, and we sit in silence for a moment. "I expect you have more questions for me. I'll allow you one more before I insist you get some rest."
    There are too many to count. "What did Cela mean by family reunion?"
    "Well, technically I am your Godmother. Your mother, Persephone, and I used to be best friends. When Hermes gave you to your father, he told her Persephone wanted me to be your Godmother. She requested that, should anything happen to him, that you would be placed in my care." She has a nostalgic look on her face.
    I’m shocked and quickly work to pull my face together. "I can live with that." Her smile is half-hearted. "You miss her." It’s not a question.
    She looks so sad. "Yes. You can't imagine millennia without your other half. That is why it is so important for you to allow Lyla to stay in your life." She

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