
Free consumed by Sandra Sookoo

Book: consumed by Sandra Sookoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Sookoo
Tags: Romance
trust you?” Through it all, her wolf had remained silent, for which she was grateful. She couldn’t have sex with a voice in her head.
    “Do you have a choice?” Before she could answer, he lowered his head.
    The first swipe of his tongue along her slick folds sent heat rushing through her veins. The next stoked the heat into a fire that threatened to consume her. The moment he nibbled her clit and teased it with his talented tongue, she lost her mind to the white-hot sensations pulsing around her.
    Her whimper of submission went unheeded. Sam continued his erotic assault. His tongue circled the bundle of nerves in ever-tighter designs. Ava clutched handfuls of the bedding as coils of need wound low through her belly, ready to spring.
    “You taste as sweet as honey to me, Ava.” For one second, his gaze caught hers, intense, deep, shadowed with emotion, then he gave her a wink and returned to his work.
    She jerked when he suckled her swollen nub. Another tickle of his warm, moist tongue along her folds sent her over the edge. She bit her bottom lip hard as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into her. The energy screamed along her skin like a heated tornado of sensation and she collapsed onto the mattress, her chest heaving and her channel contracting with her orgasm.
    “You’re very good.” Ava wiped at tears in the corner of one eye. She sat up and gave him a shaky grin. Tiny aftershocks zipped through her body with every move. “It normally takes a much longer time to get me off.” And I never cry afterward!
    “Further proof that you and I have a certain chemistry.” Sam wiped his face with the edge of the quilt before he stood. “Thank you for giving me this honor. If you would like to talk, I am willing to give you answers.” Whispering couldn’t mask the complacency in his voice.
    “Not a problem, as long as you let me multitask.” She patted the bed next to her. “Your turn.” Her mouth watered, knowing that in less than a minute she’d have it around what was probably a large, hard cock.
    Sam’s chest rose and fell with a sigh. “I cannot guarantee you will have the results you desire.”
    She rolled her eyes. Every man’s ego was the same. “Paybacks are a bitch.” As he lay on the quilt next to her, she instructed him to put his hands behind his head. “No moving them until I give permission.” Leaning over, she dropped a quick kiss on his mouth. A shiver danced down her spine when she tasted her own juices. “Now, why do you think you’re going to die?”
    “A phoenix can only regenerate seven times in his life.” He shuddered as she worked his trouser buttons.
    “Why is that a problem?” Once she opened his pants, she eased the fabric down and repeated the action with the thin boxerlike underwear. His penis sprang out, framed by a nest of red-gray curls. Not exactly as hard or long as she’d hoped, he was still impressive enough to have potential.
    Sam levered up on an elbow. “Each regeneration takes a huge toll on the physical body. Once reborn, a phoenix ages at an accelerated rate.”
    “You don’t look all that bad to me.” She straddled his calves and tucked her hair behind a shoulder. “I mean, you’re what, maybe thirty-five? A little hair color, and you’ll be good to go.”
    “If I were a full human, I would be thirty-four.” His jaw clenched when she pushed the hem of his shirt up and skimmed a hand along his tight abdomen. “Since I am now on my last regeneration, I am almost ninety-nine years old. Each rebirth ages a phoenix fourteen years.”
    “Wow. You seem to be in fantastic shape.” Ava wrapped a hand around his cock. “So, let’s take this baby out for a spin.” His length, once thick and extended, would fit nicely into her palm. Another rush of heat shot through her at the thought of it filling her. She pumped her curled fingers up and down his shaft. Silky, wrinkled skin slipped beneath her hand, but he didn’t stiffen.
    “Ava, stop. There is

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