Lost heritage

Free Lost heritage by Rebecca Stratton

Book: Lost heritage by Rebecca Stratton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Stratton
turned out to be tucked away in a back street and looked at first glance to have been left behind in the last century. Imitation candles under glass shades gave it an air of intimacy, and the variety and richness of the smells from the kitchen immediately put one in the mood to indulge the appetite and think nothing of the consequences. A small group of musicians played more or less in harmony and added to the slight air of decadence suggested by gilt and red plush and waiters in long white aprons.
    It was contrived, but it was cleverly contrived and achieved its object by setting a mood that was perfecdy suited to a quiet dinner for two. No table, Charlotte noticed, was set for more than two, and she found it quite impossible not to speculate on how many of the couples already sitting there were illicit twosomes. It had that kind of an air about it, and it was fun as well as very French.
    *You like it?' Jean asked as they began their meal with a dish of hors-d'oeuvres that included anchovies, stuffed olives, minute portions of pat6 and some kind of highly spiced sausage.
    Charlotte intended to try every item on the dish and she nodded enthusiastically. It's a fantastic place,' she said, glancing around the dimly lit room. 'I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Toulouse-Lautrec come in at any minute!'

    She laughed at her own fancy and shook her head, but Jean seemed to be in sympathy with her mood, and he reached over to cover her hand with his own.
    *It has atmosphere, eh?' he asked, and leaned slighdy towards her as he spoke. *It is very '
    *Wicked!' Charlotte decided with another light laugh, then caught her breath suddenly at something that caught her eye. Pulling back her hand, she looked at Jean across the soft glow of the imitation candle that stood between diem. *Jcan—Fve just seen Monsieur Michel.'
    Jean's eyes narrowed just a fraction, but he smiled and shrugged without even attempting to check on the accuracy of her statement. *So you have seen Monsieur Michel,' he said as he resumed his meal. *Maybe Monsieur Michel will also see you, Charlotte, but we will still enjoy our dinner, shall we not?'
    He obviously saw nothing wrong and for a moment Charlotte wondered if he realised that not too far away, in the same room, one of his employers was dining tete-^-tete with his secretary and obviously enjoying the experience. *He's with Annette Villeaux,' she told him, and almost at once wished she had let the matter drop, for obviously Jean preferred not to be told. ^
    He shrugged and pointedly refused to even turn his head to see Michel Menais gazing into the bold dark eyes of his secretary. *It is not my concern, ma chere, and nor will you make it yours if you are wise. I am here to enjoy myself with you and no doubt Monsieur Michel has the same thought in mind. However he chooses to amuse himself does not concern me, and I hope that you are not going to gaze at him so pointedly, Charlotte, that his attention is drawn to us.'
    *No. No, of course not.' She resumed her meal, but somehow the idea of Michel Menais sitting there with Annette Villeaux while Lizette sat alone in their apartment was not

    easy to accept and it was difficult not to keep glancing across at the other table, ^ust the same,' she added, *I wish I hadn't seen them.'
    Jean looked at her and smiled wryly. *You feel sorry for Madame Lizette?'
    *Don't you?' she challenged, but guessed from the way he shrugged his shoulders that he simply accepted it without going too deeply into whys and wherefores.
    *It is something that happens,' he said, spearing a section of sausage cm to his fork and studying it before he bit it. 'You should not enquire too closely into those kind of situations, Charlotte, it is not wise in our situation.'
    'Our situation?' She was genuinely puzzled for a moment, forgetting briefly that to Jean she was simply another employee. *0h yes, of course.' She nodded understanding and stopped herself from glancing yet again at that other, not

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