The Enchanted Rose

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Book: The Enchanted Rose by Konstanz Silverbow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Konstanz Silverbow
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
and peek around, trying to find what or who made that noise. 
    “Prince!” the same voice calls. I look to the trees opposite where I am. The wizard who gave me the rose is standing there, watching me, waving at me to come to him. 
    I look around, watching for guards, before I spring from the bushes and dash to the cover of the trees. The rain is still pouring, but not nearly as hard as before. Now it comes down in a light drizzle, though it still stings as it hits my skin.
    “What are you doing here?” I whisper, my voice harsh. “And where are your fairies?” I look around, noticing they are not with him this time. Though, the way they hid from me, I might think I imagined them being there the first time we met. 
    “This is not a journey for them. They are safe, and that is all that matters.” He nods. “You are a prince of your word, are you not?” He straightens, now standing at his full height, which can be no less than six feet tall. 
    I straighten my back as well, though he still stands inches above myself. “Of course.” 
    “Then you should know why I am here. I have come to claim the debt you owe.” My heart sinks. So soon? I do not need another worry right now. 
    “Why, at this moment, have you chosen to claim a favor when I am no more than a prince? I thought your request would come at a time when my royal ranking was higher.” That, at least, is what it seemed like he would want when we initially made the deal.
    “That was my intention, yes. But now things have changed. And what is coming to pass, I cannot fix on my own.” 
    “What are you talking about?” My eyebrows pull together as my confusion deepens. 
    “Your rose is turning red, is it not?” he asks, but he already knows the answer. 
    “What of it?” 
    “This storm is not an ordinary one. You should know that. Anyone—royal or not—who has magic should be aware of it. And the storm will continue until all the magic in this world is gone. Washed away.”
    “How is this possible? Why is this happening?” I ask, now leaning against a tree. Of course, I knew it wasn’t a regular storm. That much was evident by the way it was destroying only specific things in its path. Apparently, those things were anything involving magic. 
    “Someone intentionally created this storm. I do not know why or how, but this is no accident.” He pulls at his cloak and tugs out a map. 
    “So, what can we do?” I gulp, not meaning to, but realizing that if this storm wipes away every bit of magic, that rose won’t last, and that means neither will my relationship with Rose.  
    “We have to stop the storm, figure out who started it and why.” 
    “And how to you suppose we do that?” Lightning fills up the sky, followed by a loud roar of thunder shaking the very ground.
    “This storm started in the west, washing over the land. Do you know anything about that mountain?” he asks. Something in the way he asks makes me fearful of whatever it is. 
    I think back to everything I know. I’ve heard the stories. Mother has told me a little about it. Something about her journey to defeat Mendina, the princess witch who destroyed almost every kingdom. 
    “The seer lives on that mountain.” 
    “Indeed. She would have the power to cause this storm, but her life is dependent on magic.” “So it wouldn’t make sense for her to start a storm that can take it all away,” I finish. 
    He nods in agreement. I think about what this means. The seer could start the storm, but why would she?
    “How do we figure it out who did this?” 
    “I believe we should start within the mountains. That is where the storm originated. That is where we must go.” 
    “We?” My heart stops. 
    “We. You owe me a favor. Right now, I am powerless. As I said, I need all the help I can get. You help me find out who did this, why, and how to stop it, and your debt will be paid.” He clasps a hand on my shoulder. “Agreed?” 
    “Why did you give me that

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