The Last Hero

Free The Last Hero by Nathaniel Danes

Book: The Last Hero by Nathaniel Danes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathaniel Danes

Chapter 10: The March
    T hey ran, and they ran.
    Nano reinforced legs and stamina carried them as CAL’s night vision guided their path through the moonless darkness. Trent held point with Sergeant Gabriel. He didn’t feel it was safe to stop until dawn broke.
    Each squad took a turn on watch as the others grabbed some sleep. Thanks to the nanos, they only needed a few hours to recharge. Trent strolled across their small encampment, holding a MRG (magnetic rail gun) rifle on a shoulder while most still slept. He noticed Jones was awake.
    Trent said, “Captain, I hope you got some shut eye. I noticed you were up a lot of the time. We have a long road ahead of us. I need you fresh.”
    Jones stood up from the rock. Her tall frame surpassed Trent.
    “No need to worry, sir. Even before our...improvements, I never needed a lot of sleep.”
    He nodded.
    “Should I wake the men, sir?”
    Trent scanned the sleeping legionnaires, who blended seamlessly with the orange tinted ground.
    “Let’s give them another couple of minutes. They’ve earned it. Have a seat, Captain.” Trent sat down on the rock.
    Jones quickly obeyed.
    “So, Captain...why did you sign up for this vacation?”
    She stared at a tree.
    “I used to think the answer to that was complicated. But I had a lot of time on that damn shuttle to think. Now I think it pretty bloody simple. My whole life, I never felt like I fit in. I imagine you can guess why. Growing up, there weren’t many girls my size. While they wanted to play house with their dolls, I was lining them up in formation for an attack. Hasn’t helped either that everyone assumes I’m a lesbian. The only place I ever felt like I fit in was the army.
    “Then one day there wasn’t an army anymore, and I was right back where I started – feeling left out. When the chance to join the Legion came up, I knew I could belong somewhere again. I’m just looking for a place to fit in. It’s that simple.”
    So under that tough mask you show the world, you are really a little girl looking for someone to play with. Not unlike the rest of us I suppose.
    “You know, Captain I doubt you are al...”
    A rumble off in the distance captured Trent’s attention. A second later, Jones’ ears zeroed in on it as well.
    Jones asked, “What the bloody hell is that?”
    The rumble grew closer.
    Trent sprung to his feet, jogging toward the sound.
    “CAL, ping everyone awake, now !”
    Immediately the ground around him came to life as the camouflaged warriors rose from their slumber.
    “All units, something is coming our way from the east. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta form a defensive line along those trees.” Trent pointed to the position, highlighting them to everyone’s CAL. “Echo, fall back twenty-five meters. Make damn sure our flanks are clear. Don’t let anyone, or anything behind us. Move . Whatever this is, it’s closing fast.”
    A blizzard of blurs swarmed toward the line. Some lay flat while others found security behind trees. In moments, everyone fell in position. 
    “CAL, zoom the visor view onto the source of the sound.”
    What the...
    Trent had trouble comprehending what came at him. When he joined the army, he knew he would see amazing things. When he “volunteered” for the Legion, he imagined the universe offered many incredible wonders. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would be charged by a herd of giant pink turkey creatures.
    “It’s a stampede! Prepare to fire on my mark. Echo Squad, split into two and move closer to our flanks. Give me a field of fire to ensure they flow around us.”
    The giant pink turkeys charged forward as CAL told Trent exactly how far away the rampaging herd was. The trees prevented a clear field of fire. He held until they came to within thirty meters. Raising his MRG, he switched to full auto and yelled, “Fire!”
    BB sized projectiles flew out the long barreled weapon. The small rounds lethalness

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