The Enchanted Rose

Free The Enchanted Rose by Konstanz Silverbow

Book: The Enchanted Rose by Konstanz Silverbow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Konstanz Silverbow
Tags: Romance, Fantasy
worry about me—I worry about Tivor. 
    But most of all, I wonder why in the world Jossa would refuse to allow us to marry if all she wants is the kingdom. Roselyn could live in Wentsden or Umare with me, and Jossa would still have the throne. 
    “What is she planning?” It’s all I can ask. 
    “I don’t know, but it’s going to be disastrous. If she simply wants me gone, why not let me be with you? I’d leave willingly.” My heart soars as I hear those words, knowing we feel the same way.  
    “That’s what worries me. What is so important about Elna? Or is it something about Chavez
    “Do you think he requested this betrothal? How could he? He’s only a few years older than I am.” She squeaks, beginning to panic. 
    “Which makes me wonder why he wasn’t betrothed sooner. Perhaps he did plan this. We can’t rule anything out until we have all the facts. I wouldn’t wonder if Chavez wanted to be with you. You’re beautiful.” I take a step toward her. “And kind.” Another step. “And when you smile, it’s as if my every worry has disappeared.” I lean closer, cupping her cheek. “You are more precious than all the gold in existence.” I press my lips to hers, savoring this moment, knowing that at any time, everything could change for us. 
    “Osric,” Rose says against my lips. 
    I mumble “Hmm?” and keep kissing her. 
    “Osric.” She laughs and pushes against my chest. I lean back. 
    “Yes?” She doesn’t look like she was ready for that kiss to end either as she keeps looking at my lips, but she clears her throat. 
    “What if this isn’t about me marrying someone else or going somewhere else?” 
    “What do you mean?” I ask, wrapping my fingers around her upper arms, soothing the goose bumps. 
    “What if this is simply about keeping us apart?” Her question takes me by surprise. I don’t understand how someone could only want us not to be together. Why would they go to all the trouble? 
    But the events leading up to this moment do appear as if someone is willing to do whatever it takes to keep us apart. I think about the way her family hates me for no reason—though maybe her father has a reason, even if it isn’t a good one. 
    Only days after I gave her a magical rose that would help us, it seems all magic is breaking. It doesn’t make sense, but it explains a lot. Roselyn begins to shake. I hadn’t realized I dropped my hands. I envelop her once more.
    “If that’s the case, they’re going to have to try a lot harder than this,” I whisper in her ear. She just nods and leans her head against my chest. 
    The sounds of thunder and lightning surround us, the fear of never being together clenches at our hearts, but for now, at this moment, we are all right. We will find a way around this, to fix this. 
    “Milady. Your Highness.” Madrid has reappeared. She looks to Roselyn and then me. “I think it would be best if the prince left.” She looks at me apologetically, but speaks to Rose.  
    “No!” She lifts her head. “I am not sending him back into that storm. I won’t. I can’t.” She clings tighter to me. 
    “Milady, the queen demands to see you. She is only but a few feet away from your door. He needs to hide, if nothing else.” She looks around the room, as if trying to find somewhere I can be concealed until the queen leaves. But truthfully, I fear Jossa would be able to hear the pounding of my heart. 
    “Roselyn, it’s all right. I will climb down the balcony and hide in the bushes. Better that I hide outside so she does not hear me than to be caught, captured, and thrown into a dungeon for the rest of my life.” I kiss her on the lips, pulling away far too soon. 
    Parting the curtain, I step out onto the balcony, climb over the rail, and begin lowering myself down the ivy. 
    “Psst!” The sound startles me, almost causing me to lose my grip on the branches. I jump down the last few feet, landing in the bushes,

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