Moving Forward

Free Moving Forward by Sara Hooper

Book: Moving Forward by Sara Hooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Hooper
would not have shared his number, and her father would not have called. Shane was relieved, but anxious.
    Two hours later, his phone rang again; the same “Unknown Number” displayed on the screen. Shane ignored it at first, but changed his mind. “Hello,” he said into the receiver, not wanting to take a second chance at it being her father.
    “Still speaking to me?” Gina’s voice was full of concern, but he could hear her slight smile with those beautiful lips curling slightly up.
    “Of course! Why wouldn’t I speak to you? How did it go on your end?”
    “When he came out of his study, I asked if the conversation went well. He just said, ‘We’ll see.’”
    “Well, at least that doesn’t sound hopeless. Were you worried?”
    “With him, I never know what to expect. I thought he might have raked you over the coals. He usually does. I’ve grown to expect it.”
    “Did you ask him to call me?” Shane wanted to know her involvement.
    “No, not at all. I was in the kitchen helping my mother. He walked in and asked for your phone number. I asked him why, and he said it was time the two of you discussed some things. That was it. I hadn’t even discussed you with him. In fact, I only nodded at him when I came in the house. We actually hadn’t spoken until he asked for the number.”
    “Honey,” Shane said tenderly. “We are bigger than anything he or anyone else can throw at us. If he wants to attack me, I can handle myself and my intentions as far as you are concerned. I was firm, but respectful with him. Actually, I feel better. I think he sees that I won’t let him run all over me or us. I will defend us against him and his attitude. I promise you that. I love you, Gina. I love you for you, not your family, nothing else but you. Understand?”
    “I love you, too. I’ll call you tomorrow when I get home. Okay?” It was a new day; he could tell it in her voice.
    “Sure, get some rest. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Kisses.”
    “Kisses back,” she said. He could hear the little smile she offered through her voice.
    Gina didn’t call the next day. She didn’t have to. Shane was waiting in her driveway when she arrived home from San Francisco. They hugged as soon as she got out of the car. Hand-in-hand, they climbed the rickety steps to her apartment in silence. As they stood in the bedroom undressing each other, the color difference of their skin no longer seemed as stark; they had made a commitment to each other and their worlds had merged. Her father had sealed that pact whether he realized it or not. They would face whatever the future brought to them.
    A week later, on an easy Saturday morning as they lay in each other’s arms quietly enjoying the peacefulness between them, Gina’s cell phone rang from the bedside table. She reached over, pushed the button and turned to Shane smiling as she said, “Hello.” Instantly, her facial expression changed from a smile to shock. “When? Oh, no! Yes, I’ll come. I’m on my way in an hour. No, I don’t mind. I want to come, Mama. I’ll be there quickly!” Turning to Shane as she threw the cover off her naked body, she said, “It’s my father. He’s had a massive heart attack! My mother is in a mess. I have to go there.” Shane jumped out of bed as she headed to the shower.
    “I’m going with you,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’ll book a flight while you get ready, then you can pack a few things while I shower. We can be there within three hours if we hurry.”
    “You don’t have to go,” she offered. “I don’t know what might happen. It might be better if you didn’t come.”
    “I’m going, Gina. Don’t say anything more. I belong with you.”
    Within three hours, they were landing in San Fran; Gina a total bundle of nerves. They took a cab straight to the hospital and found her mother sitting on a bench outside the ICU. “How is he?” Gina immediately asked.
    “He’s touch and go,” her mother answered. “The

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