Thief: X

Free Thief: X by E.I. Jennings

Book: Thief: X by E.I. Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.I. Jennings
    “Thanks for the reminder! Damn it all, I’m gonna have to make a run for it.”
    “I thought that was what we were doing?”
    “I’ll distract her while you get the door open. Shoot it if you have to, but get it open!”
    “We could use a window?”
    “She’s webbed them because if you hadn't noticed, she’s a big arsed spider!” Sarcasm was my friend in dire situations.
    “Do I want to know what you’re going to do?” Marshall looked concerned,
    “Just get the door open!” I cocked the shotgun and pulled the trigger over and over and ran further into the library. The Librarian jumped over Marshall and hissed at me. Great, just great!
    I jumped onto the tables and started running, she was following and I saw Marshall trying to force the door open with an axe. I had no idea where he got it from but I was grateful. Now I had to squish the spider from hell. The Librarian dived at me and I sprang into the air, twisting until I fell onto her back. I cringed as I held on to her fur. Now I was rodeoing a spider with no idea what to do next. It was a good idea at the time, not so much now. She headed towards the shelves and stated ramming us through them. Books hurt – a lot. That was when Adram popped up behind me,
    “Yeeee ha!” He yelled,
    “Not now Adram, little busy here!”
    “Take this.” He handed me a glowing ball and poofed out again. I looked at the ball and smiled. Adram wasn’t as yellow as I thought.
    I scrambled closer to the Librarian’s head, clutching the ball as hard as I could. I only needed one more roar, so I dug my heels into her back as hard as I could and that did it. I slam dunked the ball in her mouth and jumped. This was going to be close.
    “I hope you’ve got that door open!” Marshall looked back and smiled as he finally kicked the door open. I must have had a panicked look on my face as I ran into him,
    “What the…” I looked over my shoulder and saw the Librarian clutching at her throat, which was now starting to glow. The brighter it got the more her skin cracked. Shit, we weren’t going to make it.
    I grabbed Marshall and concentrated on the diamond in my ring. It took effort to do this standing still and I wasn’t sure if I could do it running. I concentrated as much as I could, going deeper and deeper into the diamond until I saw it at its most basic level. I felt my skin hardening and crystallising. I didn’t have time to see if I had completely changed because I felt heat knock us off our feet. I covered Marshal with my body as heat streamed over us. When the last flaming book hit me on the head, I got up and sat on my arse. Marshall was looking at me shock,
    “What the hell did you do…and what…” I think Marshall was in shock,
    “Adram gave me a little bit of hell fire and well, it seems spiders have an allergy to it.” I was laughing but he was still glaring,
    “You’re…what the hell are you?” He scrambled away from me and I sighed,
    “I’m the person who just saved your life and at this moment I'm kinda a hell diamond!” I looked down and I’d managed to transform ninety percent of my body into diamond and I probably looked a little weird. “I’ve already told you I’m half demon for God’s sake! Hand me your mobile…” I wagged my hand at him and he looked at me blankly, “You’re cell! Mine’s a little crushed from when I threw myself over you.”
    “Who could you possibly be calling?”
    “The Major.”

C hapter Eight
    The Major wasn't a happy bunny. In fact, the only thing that got me through his tirade of insults and curses was imagining him as a rabbit. I don’t think he appreciated it when I snorted a few times. Having a lecture from a fat rabbit about the loss of a Library nearly cracked my restraint as I nodded in agreement. It wasn’t as if I meant to destroy it. If Marshall hadn’t been with us then we wouldn’t have had a spider problem – maybe. I didn’t think he appreciated being called at

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