hours' time, there was a line of Goth and Emo kids outside longer than a bunch of groupies at a movie premier. The bouncer had changed since Raven and Levac had walked by previously and Raven didn’t recognize the large African-American vampire leaning against the railing. He had a black bandana holding waist-length dreads in place and was clad head to toe in leather from the finest Fetish catalog.
    As usual Raven walked past the line of hopeful vamp wannabes, hopped the velvet rope and stopped next to the bouncer, whose bulk was blocking the door.
    "Fürstin Ravenel," he said with a bow of his head.
    "I don't know you, what's your name and what house do you represent?" Raven asked.
    "I am Malik Zoba of the House of Xion."
    Raven nodded, recognizing the name. They were usually quiet at court, if they even bothered to show up.
    "It is a pleasu re to meet one of the blood pact," she replied, returning the head bow. "I would like access to the club, please."
    "I a pologize, Ravenel," he said. "But rules say you wait your turn. Especially you."
    "Es pecially me?" Raven asked. "Cornelius really made that a rule?"
    "Yes, Ravenel," Malik replied, again omitting Raven's title. "I must ask you to go the end of the line and wait."
    Raven sighed and brought the fire to her eyes, knowing this time is was really going to drain her.
    "Malik, I mean no disrespect to you or your house, though the continual omission of my title indicates you mean insult to me and the Mistress of the City. I will give you a chance. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. The easy way is you step aside and let me pass in the name of Fürstin and as a Chicago officer on police business."
    "And the hard way?" Malik asked, cracking his knuckles and straightening to his impressive seven foot five inch height.
    Raven rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Seriously? The hard way? Can't any of you mouth-breathers ever take the easy way and just let me in the fucking door?"
    There was a crowded thirty seconds where Raven exchanged blows with the larger man …who eventually threw her over the railing. She landed gracefully on her feet and snarled up at the older vampire, letting her fangs show, to the amusement of the crowd who thought it was all some kind of act for their benefit.
    "Not bad, Dreads," she said, somewhat surprised.
    Malik was breathing hard from the exchange , but he nodded. "Likewise, half-breed."
    Raven smiled and leapt back over the railing, one high-heeled boot catching the vampire in the face and ripping open his jaw. As he howled in pain she back-fisted him across the other side of his jaw and followed up with a reverse spin-kick that ripped his throat out and dropped him gurgling to the walkway. Raven knelt on one knee beside him and pulled him half way off the cement.
    "There is a reason I am Fürstin, Malik," she said in a quiet voice. "And you're not. The blood of a Sanguinarch flows in my veins."
    Malik tried to reply , but his ruined face was having trouble putting itself back together.
    "It was a pleasure meeting someone from House Xion," Raven said. "Next time, just open the damn door. And it's Fürstin Ravenel to you, Embraced. If I have to remind you again, they will be sweeping your ashes into the bushes. Have I made myself clear?"
    The vampire nodded once and Raven dropped him to the ground. She then smiled at the crowd and passed through the door, leaving it open behind her. Beyond the front door were the restrooms and a coat closet that led to a foyer that had recently been decorated with a variety of paintings depicting the denizens of purgatory all in overly sexual positions. Beyond them was a curtain that led through to the weapons check and massive dance floor. Raven ignored the new check-in girl who offered to take her weapons and passed through the plastic curtain and into the club proper. What passed for 'dance music' assaulted her ears and she winced at the heavy bass beat that threatened to shake her fangs out of her

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