That's Amore

Free That's Amore by Erin McCarthy

Book: That's Amore by Erin McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy
Tags: Romance
“let’s go to bed,” but thought she might smack him if he did.
    Paige blew her hair out of her eyes and wiped her hands on a paper napkin. “I am too. I can’t believe it’s barely after seven. Taking care of a baby is just as hard as I thought it would be. I don’t think I’m ready to be a parent.”
    He slipped his hand over hers. “But you’re so good at it.”
    “No, I’m not.” She blushed a little.
    “Yes, you are. You’re a natural. You know exactly what to do with Justin.” He decided to go for broke. “And you look beautiful doing it.”
    Her cheeks were pink, her teeth worrying her bottom lip. She tugged yet again on that too tight top. “What are we doing here?” she said, her eyes avoiding his.
    “I’m thinking about kissing you.” He wasn’t just thinking, he was moving, zeroing in on her ripe plump cherry lips. A painful and slow death would be better than not getting to kiss Paige right now.
    He was just an inch away, hovering, listening to her ragged breathing. He paused, than waited, his hand caressing hers as he listened.
    “Why… why did you stop?” she whispered, eyes wide, lips parted.
    “I’m waiting for an interruption. Every time I get this close to you, Justin breaks it up.” He cocked an ear, but there was nothing but blissful silence. “Nothing’s stopping me this time.”
    “Nothing?” Her chest rose up and down fitfully, her breathing ragged.
    “Unless you don’t want me to.”
Please, please, let her
want to
. Jeff waited in an agony of desire, knowing if she said no he would probably be reduced to begging.
    Who was he kidding?
    He’d be on the floor howling like a dog if she said no.
    Her tongue slipped out and moistened her lip. “I want you to.”
    Score! Jeff didn’t wait for her to change her mind or for Justin’s siren cry to go up. He bent forward and took Paige’s mouth with his.
    Oh, yeah.
    This had been worth the wait.
    Paige was soft and warm and eager, tasting vaguely salty. His brain exploded, fried and frizzled.
    She felt so good, so right for him, and he groaned. Paige’s fingers were in his hair and he gathered her close, holding on firmly to her rounded luscious curves.
    All woman. All his.
    His hand shot out and covered her full breast as he teased his tongue into her mouth. He was out of control already. Gone. Done for. Like a race car in a spin-out heading for the wall at one hundred and eighty miles an hour.
    He commanded his crotch to heel for a minute. With a tremendous amount of effort, he forced himself to say, “Is this okay? Am I moving too fast?”
    Of course, it would probably be a good idea to stop kissing her neck and fondling her nipple as he asked, but that was more than he was capable of right now.
    Paige didn’t seem to mind.
    Her head fell back and she thrust her breasts out. “Make love to me, Jeff.”
    Yowsa. He stopped breathing.
    Then his air all came back in one gigantic whoosh as he groaned into her neck. “Paige.”
    Yeah, that was poetic, but hell, he was in a hormonal coma here.
    She pulled him back to her mouth, and they tasted each other thoroughly for several long sweaty minutes until Jeff couldn’t wait another microsecond.
    Feasting on her breasts straining against the clinging fabric, he reached for her shirt, intent on ripping all of it off for a full and unedited view.
    He had it. He was lifting up.
    “Jeff, wait.”
    Aahhggrr. Wait? Wait for what? World peace? A woman president? Or for him to explode into a testosterone soaked fireball?
    “What? What’s the matter?”
    Any second now he would start frothing at the mouth.
    “Do you have any condoms?” Paige’s eyes were half closed and she was softly grinding her thighs against his, damn her.
    Jeff went into a panic. This was a trick question. He had the condoms, but did he admit it?
    Possible answer number one—yes, he had condoms. Then Paige would do one of three things. Leap onto him in delight.

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