
Free Luke by Jennifer Blake

Book: Luke by Jennifer Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Blake
sighed. “Such a charmer, and it’s all natural, too. I believe darling April may be in trouble.”
    He studied her through his lashes as he tried to decide if she was putting him on. She returned his gaze without evasion. After a moment, he asked, “You really think so, do you?”
    â€œIt’s possible. Depends on how much finesse you can muster.”
    â€œFinesse,” he repeated, his voice flat.
    â€œDon’t push too hard. She can be led, but not shoved.” Julianne paused, then went on. “You and April were a real item at one time, weren’t you?”
    â€œShe told you about that?”
    â€œAmong other things. So what happened to spoil it? I mean, from your point of view.”
    â€œI let her down,” he said starkly, then wondered what it was about the writer beside him that prompted him to answer such a personal question. There was something, he didn’t doubt. He didn’t go around baring his soul to just anybody.
    â€œThere was an accident, I think. April thought you cared about her, but discovered differentlywhen you had a wreck and the girl with you was killed.”
    â€œIt wasn’t the way it sounds.” The words had more force behind them than Luke intended.
    â€œHow was it?” Julianne asked quietly.
    They had stopped outside another meeting room. The sign beside the door said that Julianne Cazenave would be giving a workshop inside. The time listed for the start had passed five minutes ago. This was not the place to go into details, then, even if he was so inclined.
    â€œIt was a mistake,” he said, “one I’ll regret all my life. For a lot of reasons.”
    Julianne nodded before glancing inside the room where her audience was waiting. Giving him her hand, she said with a slight smile, “I’d like to hear more. In case I don’t get the chance today, won’t you come see me next time you’re in New Orleans?”
    â€œMy pleasure,” he said, and meant it.
    The rest of the day passed quickly. There was a luncheon that he skipped for a burger in the hotel coffee shop. Afterward, he sat in on a session called How To Turn Up the Heat In Love Scenes. He was so intimidated by the lively discussion of exactly how to describe the male anatomy, however, that he left after ten minutes.
    He roamed the halls looking for April, but she wasn’t in any of the meeting rooms, nor was she in the lobby or lounge. A woman with an official-looking badge hung on her chest noticed his lost expression and informed him that she was in an executive meeting of some kind. He retreated to a seating area near the door of the room where April’s meeting was taking place.
    He was soon joined by a bevy of talented females, writers who seemed as fun loving as they were savvy about their business. As he listened to their conversation, he learned quite a bit more about the writing life and picked up a few pointers for future conversations with April. However, he excused himself as he saw her finally emerge with Julianne Cazenave and four other women.
    They were in the middle of a discussion about an impromptu group dinner at a restaurant in the Quarter later in the evening when he walked up behind them. He quickly included himself before April could find a way to stop him. When the decision of where to go stalled and someone asked his choice of food, he suggested Italian at Bacco’s on Chartres Street. The suggestion was adopted forthwith.
    Bacco’s, named for the god of wine and merriment, was owned by Ralph Brennan, a member of New Orleans’s premier restaurant family. It was known for its great Italian food with Creole-Cajun influence served with a judicious mixture of comfort and sophistication. The place was beginning to fill when they arrived, but Luke had called ahead to reserve a table in the back. They were greeted promptly, then led past the front dining room with its Italian earth tones that glowed in the

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