Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!)

Free Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter

Book: Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
completed his task, his hands ending right up under her chin, she closed her eyes so he wouldn’t be able to get a glimpse into her soul. Cassie didn’t want Bowie to get any more clues as to how he really affected her. She’d endured enough shame for one day. Holding her breath, she waited until a slight movement of air and an absence of heat told her he had pulled back and stood up. Good. “Okay, I guess I’m ready.”
      “You don’t have to sound so excited about it. Friend.” Bowie fussed good-naturedly. Then without asking, cause she would have said no, he bent and picked her up—right up in his arms. Cassie let out a surprised little yelp and clutched at his neck. “I got you.”
      Yea, he had her. “Don’t let me go,” she pleaded.
      “Don’t intend to.” Bowie took a second to relish how right she felt in his arms. He could feel her tremble like a small deer he’d once found in the forest whose mother had been shot. Not being able to stand the thought of it dying alone, he’d picked it up and toted it home. The small creature was too small and weak to struggle much, but it had quivered in his embrace like Cassie was doing now. “Just rest easy. I’ve got you.”
      “Just don’t let go,” she cautioned him again.
      She didn’t have to worry. He wouldn’t have let anything happen to her for the world. When he looked down, it was to discover she was staring up at him, those huge green eyes looking at him for assurance. He gave it to her. “You’re safe with me, Cassie. Promise. We’ll take my truck.”
      “Don’t you think it would be easier if we went in my van? It has the proper equipment and I’m used to it.”
      She was talking fast, but he wasn’t veering from the course. No, he was marching out the door, opening it with an elbow, and closing it with his knee. “I’m used to driving my dates around. We’ll take my truck.”
      “This isn’t a date.” She reminded him. “You’re bossy, aren’t you?”
      Bowie laughed. He didn’t address the date issue. “Yea, I guess I am.” Taking her outside, he carried her to his truck and gently placed her inside, buckling the seatbelt. “I’ll be right back.”
      When he’d shut the door, Cassie covered her face with her hands. “My God! What am I going to do?” she wailed in a whisper. “Calm down, Cassie. You can get through this. Just don’t act like a fool again.”
      As she sat and castigated herself, she heard the bump-bump of her chair being lifted and placed in the back of Bowie’s pick-up. Shaking her head, she mourned the fact that she was so dependent on the kindness of others. All of her life she’d dreaded every time someone had to go out of their way to do something for her. Honestly, she’d rather stay home for the rest of her days than have Bowie or someone like him go out of their way to make things easier for her.
      “All done.” He announced as he crawled into the cab of the pick-up beside her.
      Cassie didn’t say much more, it would just make things worse. “Thank you. You are very kind.” The memory of him taking her face in his hands and holding it still while he escaped her clutches was all she could think about. A fresh wave of shame made her face grow hot. “Where are we going?”
      Okay, he guessed he could tell her now that he had her safely ensconced in his truck. “I’m taking you to my place to meet someone special.”
      “Oh, I don’t think—” she began, picturing meeting some of his friends or worse—family.
      “Relax, you’ll like this little girl, I have no doubt. If you don’t, I’ll eat my Stetson.” He patted the black hat on his head.
      As they rode, it was as if she could still feel his hands on her body. Where he’d steadied her on her bottom, she could still feel the imprint of his fingers. Different from some who had suffered spinal injuries, she had feelings below the waist, but she also had some injury and nerve damage. Even

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