Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!)

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Book: Welcome To My World (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
she did, Cassie squealed. Because standing before her, on wobbly little legs was the cutest baby camel she could ever imagine.
      “Bowie! He’s beautiful!”
      “She, the baby is a little girl.” Cassie looked up at him with total delight. Bowie couldn’t help but smile back at her. “Help me name her.”
      “I gotta have a closer look.” She leaned over to pull herself nearer to the stall and peek through the slats.
      “You can’t see like that. Here, let me help you.” Reaching down, he swung her up in his arms. Immediately she stilled. “Don’t you like to be picked up?”
      “When you’ve picked me up are the only times it’s happened since I’ve been grown. I don’t like to be a burden.”
      “Hush. You could never be a burden.” He raised her up with ease so she could see over the gate and check out the white, fluffy, wobbly creature who was trying to stand. The little camel’s knees were almost knocking together. Jasmine nuzzled her baby, attempting to get her to turn around and nurse, but the little camel seemed more interested in Cassie than a good meal.
      “Well, what do you say?”
      Cassie was entranced. She forgot about being held, about inconveniencing anyone. All she could see was the tiny hooves, the pooching mouth and wiggly ears. With sudden exhilaration, she clasped her hands together. “Oh, Bowie, she’s amazing!”
      “I’m glad you’re enjoying her.” Holding Cassie in his arms was affecting him more than he realized it would. Everything about Cassie fascinated him.
      “Sheba. I like Sheba for a name. How does that sound to you?”
      “Perfect, Cassie.” Her face glowing with joy, she edged closer as Jasmine came over to check out the visitors. Bowie eased her up a little to support her body as she stretched to pet the mama camel. “Careful.” He didn’t think Jasmine would bite, but she was a new mother. As Cassie shifted in his arms, he couldn’t help but be aware of her body rubbing against his. Her hand was curled around his neck and her breast rested near his cheek. All he would have needed to do to nuzzle her breast would have been to turn his head. Without realizing, Bowie moaned, imagining sucking at her nipple until she flew apart in his arms.
      “Am I too heavy?” she asked with alarm.” Put me down!”
      Cassie didn’t understand, so she went back to looking at Sheba. “I love baby animals.”
      “Me too. I once raised six abandoned kittens on a bottle. I had to take them everywhere in a box in my truck so they wouldn’t miss a meal.”
      “What happened to them?” she asked curiously.
      “They all grew into huge tomcats, good micers.”
      Unable to restrain herself, she threw her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. “You are a sweet man! I can’t believe you like cats and have a baby named after you.” The idea of him caring about kittens warmed her heart. “If you want, I’ll make Jacob’s wife a commemorative candle if you’d get me his birthdate and weight and length.”
      “I’d like that, thanks. Jessie would really love it.”
      Cassie became aware where her arms were and she carefully extricated herself. “You can put me down now.”
      “All right.” Lowering Cassie to her chair, he reluctantly let her go. Unfamiliar feelings were clamoring in his brain. He felt like he’d been clobbered with a hundred pound sack of horse feed. Was what he was feeling real? He’d been involved with his share of women, but none had bowled him over like this delicate bit of femininity. If he thought hard enough about the whole situation, Bowie could make a case why getting involved with Cassie wasn’t the best idea. But for the life of him, not one reason came to mind at the moment. He paused, as she caught the railing with her hand, wanting one last look.
      “Thank you, Bowie. I’ll make the candle for you to show my appreciation. I’ll never forget this night,” she

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