The Rules
in a thatch of thick black hair.
    “Like what you see?” Gavin asked.
    “Yes.” Terri breathed the answer and stepped closer, folding her arms around his neck and dragging his head down to hers.
    Gavin lowered onto his butt to the bed and pulled her down to straddle his thighs. The kiss started slow but soon transformed into a tangle of tongues. Intertwining, they greedily lapped at each other’s mouth. All the while, he caressed her hips, dragged his hands along her thighs, and trailed his fingers up her back. As if he couldn’t stop touching her.
    His mouth dropped to her neck and Terri’s head fell back, giving him the access he needed to offer her more pleasure. Breathlessly, she clung to him as his mouth traveled lower until he licked her erect nipples. He showered her breasts with attention. Kissing. Nipping the hard peaks with his teeth and forcing her breaths to stumble as they left her throat.
    She moaned and held onto him tighter, forcing his face deeper into her breasts.
    “Gavin,” she whispered in his ear. His mouth felt so good, and he was just getting started.
    His hand slid south between them and found the swollen evidence of her desire.
    “How do you want it tonight, Terri? You want to make love or you want to be fucked?”
    He looked into her eyes and she could barely hold eye contact because he continued to stroke between her legs. His fingers dipped into the slick wetness and his nostrils flared. Terri’s hips bucked against his hand, anxious for him to fully possess her.
    “Fuck me, Gavin. Please.”
    His jaw hardened with resolve and he lifted off the bed with her in his arms.
    He flipped her onto her stomach and as she watched, sheathed himself in a condom.
    “Your wish is my command,” he said in a rough voice, forcing her legs wide.
    She didn’t have time to settle before he was inside of her. Terri gasped at the initial thrust—the power in it, the way he filled her up and slid deep. With firm hands on her thighs, Gavin kept her spread out before him and started to pump his hips.
    “Harder. Fuck me harder,” Terri begged, her voice shaking, her fingers clawing the bedding.
    She buried her face in the rumpled sheets and arched her back, reveling in the bounce of his hips, each punishing thrust against her ass shaking the bed and making it squeak. Every time he withdrew, her body begged for his, forcing contact with the upward tilt of her hips.
    Gavin’s tongue explored the damp skin of her back as he drilled into her. And she edged toward an orgasm, beads of sweat pearling on her forehead as the climax came within reach.
    Then he pulled out.
    The shock of it was so jarring—like someone yanking the chair out from under her when she went to sit down—that she cried out in dismay.
    Angry, Terri turned on him. “What the—”
    “Not yet,” Gavin said, cocky in his sexual prowess. “I want to watch you come. I want to see those beautiful eyes roll back.”
    He pushed her onto her back and fell between her legs again, sliding in with ease. Terri bit her bottom lip and whimpered as he filled her up, stretching her sex with the width of his length.
    His hips started moving again and Terri cupped her breasts, big and overflowing in her own hands. She squeezed them together and pinched the nipples. As Gavin watched, his movements became irregular and accelerated. His eyes darkened to almost copper. Clenching his teeth, he thrust even harder.
    He propped one of her legs onto his shoulder and she lifted the ankle of the other foot to rest on his firm behind. Clenching his teeth, Gavin pumped harder and faster, strain around his neck and shoulders.
    Squeezing her butt cheeks, Terri rocked her hips in a display of wild need and placed her hands on his sturdy shoulders to let him have his way. Gavin crushed his face into her bouncing breasts, his tongue and teeth fastening onto one and sucking with delicious consistency. He tormented her sensitive flesh, plucking at the pebbled

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