The Rules
and the thought that he’d get to fill his hands with her lush breasts, Gavin hesitated, standing just inside the doorway.
    Terri twisted around, eyes questioning.
    For the first time in his life, Gavin considered turning down a woman who agreed to have sex. He felt uncertainty despite the familiar scenario. Not because he didn’t want Terri, but rather because an unfamiliar emotion coiled through his gut that he couldn’t yet identify.
    “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this,” he said.
    “Are you turning me down, Mr. Johnson?” Her eyes smiled into his.
    His gaze ran over her voluptuous figure, clearly outlined in the gray dress beneath the jacket thrown over her shoulders. He didn’t think there was a man alive who could turn her down. “Not at all. I just want you to be sure.”
    “I’m positive. Don’t you want me?” Terri placed a hand on her hip, the pose showing off the lines of her body and lifting her hard-to-miss breasts to advantage.
    “Sweetheart, I’ve been wanting you since the night I saw you at Trent’s.”
    “Then tonight, I’m all yours, but tonight only. I just want to have a good time. Can you give me a good time?”
    The teasing light disappeared from her eyes, and the vulnerability in her face cut through him. He wanted to delve deeper and examine the reasons why such a beautiful woman would place such restrictions on her relationships. But he didn’t.
    “I can do that,” Gavin promised.
    The overt sensuality he had come to expect from Terri reappeared. With her voice low, husky, and inviting, she said, “Let’s go to your place.”
    “Too crowded. Let’s go to yours.” He wanted her all to himself, with no distractions.
    “I have a teeny-tiny apartment,” she warned.
    He stepped closer, rubbing his thumb over the skin of her hand and wondering if her entire body felt this silky. “You have a bed?”
    “Of course.”
    “That’s all we need.”

Chapter Nine
    Terri mercilessly teased Gavin on the ride to her apartment, running her hand up and down his leg and massaging his inner thigh. She took delight in driving him crazy and edged her hand higher and higher until she eventually brushed his crotch and the bulge nestled there.
    The car swerved to the left and Gavin grabbed her hand. “Behave yourself if you don’t want me to wreck this car.”
    Pouting but quietly amused, Terri withdrew her hand and crossed her legs. Gavin turned an eye to the length of thigh revealed when the hem of the dress hoisted higher, but he didn’t say a word, and she behaved herself the rest of the ride. Once they reached her apartment, however, she stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed the waistband of his trousers. Pulling him closer, she pressed the entire length of her body against him.
    He was hard as a rock. Her skin flushed with excitement, hot for him, craving him.
    Gavin grabbed her ass and forced her against the cool metal. Dropping his lips to the curve of her neck, he licked a delightfully moist path from her collarbone up to her ear. “You’re gonna make me fuck you right here.”
    His warm breath fanned her skin, and she shivered despite the cool weather. “It would add an element of excitement,” she whispered.
    Terri tugged the skin of his jaw between her teeth and sucked. Tasty. She smoothed the bite with a flick of her tongue, trembling when his thumb skimmed the underside of her breasts. Her nipples pouted, hard and straining against her bra.
    Long fingers climbed into her hair and his mouth seized hers. Moist and commanding. His tongue invaded her mouth, marking the interior with bold strokes that had her clinging to his strong neck. Goodness, he was a great kisser. With lips like his, it was impossible not to be. His mouth demanded her submission and she gave in, melting against him.
    Hands on her hips, Gavin dragged her against his body until his erection nestled tight against her belly. An answering throb in her loins, Terri rubbed against him, the intense ache

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