Fire And Ice (Book 1)

Free Fire And Ice (Book 1) by Wayne Krabbenhoft III

Book: Fire And Ice (Book 1) by Wayne Krabbenhoft III Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wayne Krabbenhoft III
                  “You didn’t warn him?” she frowned at the man.              
    “And miss the look on his face?  Not a chance,” Devon chuckled and returned to finishing off what was left on his own plate.
                  The dark haired princess sighed.  “You only use a little sauce with each bite,” she instructed.  “Use the bread.  It will help.”
                  “I will remember that.”  The advice helped.  He actually started to like the flavor of it.  He finished his plate shortly after Devon did and liveried servants came to take them away.
                  A little while later, when it was apparent that most of the guests had finished eating, the socializing began.  The music changed to a livelier tune.  Guests gathered in groups, standing or sitting, to gossip.  Occasionally, people moved from group to group while others went to the cleared area in the center of the hall to dance in intricate steps to the music. 
                  Coran was roped into dancing by some young Lady he didn’t know.  After a few turns he excused himself to escape her.  Her feet had a tendency to land on his.  He noticed Katelyn dancing as well, and for the next half hour, every time he saw her she was with a different partner.  He worked his way to the side of the room as the musicians stopped for a break. 
                  Coran watched from his position along one wall as Katelyn was surrounded on the dance floor and became the center of attention for a group of smitten young noblemen.  He could see through a gap in the wall of men around her as she laughed at some comment.  When she caught him looking, her laughter died down to a quizzical smile, then something someone said made her laugh again and she looked towards the speaker. 
                  “She looks like she is enjoying herself,” someone said beside him.
                  “What?” he replied absently.
                  “I said she looks to be enjoying herself!”  It was said a bit louder.              
                  Coran, broken from his gaze, noticed Devon beside him.  She did seem to be having a good time.  Tonight was her night and she deserved to have fun, so why wasn’t he happy about it?  “She should be having a good time.  It is her birthday.”  He did like to see her smile.
                  “Yeah, sure.”  Devon was looking at him closely, and a bit amused.
                  Coran returned the look with a scowl.  “What do you mean by that?”
                  “Nothing,” Devon glanced away, “nothing at all.”
                  “Coran?”  A light voice called to him and a woman Margery’s age with curly light brown hair, a pretty oval face, and narrow eyes came to stand next to him.  “I was not aware that you would be here.”
                  “Jocelyn,” he greeted her politely.  She was one of Margery’s friends and he knew her pretty well.  She had a good sense of humor and a pleasant personality.  “It is good to see you again too.”
                  “You probably do not know, but I returned home to Delios shortly after you left.  It is terribly boring there, especially after living here for two years.  When the opportunity came up to come back for Katelyn’s birthday I jumped at it.”  She looked to Devon.  “How are you doing?”
                  “Fine,” he replied smiling.  Then he stepped towards her and put an arm around her waist.  “You look even prettier than when I last saw you.”
                  She removed his arm and patted his hand.  “I thought you would have outgrown your insistent flirting, but I should have known better.”
                  “Me?” Devon replied, exaggerating the word.  “You have me

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