Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Corinne Davies

Book: Davies, Corinne - Steam-Driven Seduction [Steampunked Lust 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Corinne Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Corinne Davies
been together. Too bad Miguel was obviously from Espa ñ a, and while they were accepting of some things, others they were not. She had as much chance of being between the two of them as she did of escaping this underwater fortress with her heart intact.
    She’d no business sitting here daydreaming of what could’ve been or what might happen. Life had to be lived in the moment because it could change so quickly. She repacked the trunk she’d emptied and set out her clothes for dinner. Julien didn’t know her anymore, and she was going to prove to him that she was no longer the same woman. Maybe then he would let her go with her crew and she could return to saving those who didn’t have anyone looking out for them.
    The ability to have a hot bath was a luxury Kass took advantage of. Atlantis was equipped with many conveniences, but this one was her favorite. A large brass claw-foot tub big enough for her to submerge herself completely and soak away her troubles even for a little while. A shelf behind the door held a stack of large, soft drying cloths.
    She blew out all the lights and then opened the shades on the large window next to the tub. Atlantis had a few exterior lights and one of them was next to this port. It lit up the ocean around the window and sent a soft blue glow throughout the room. Sinking into the water, she relaxed and watched the odd school of fish pass by. A shark zigzagged its way toward the window. It must’ve thought its reflection was another shark, because it darted away. This was what she’d loved the best about living here. The majority of the humans living on land had no idea of the wonderful creatures that inhabited the ocean.
    She lifted a cloth and squeezed it in her fingertips, letting the warm water run in rivulets along her arm. The soft light highlighted the movement, and she smiled, thinking it looked like magic swirling around her arm.
    “Do you know of the legends of the mermaid?”
    “Who’s there?” Startled, Kass splashed water over the side of the tub. Panic gripped her throat. She was virtually defenseless in here, naked. At least she hadn’t let down her hair yet. The pins that kept it off the back of her neck would be useful. She searched the shadows in the room looking for the owner of the voice.
    “A shame the shadows that hide me from you also hide my view of what I’m imagining is a beautiful body.”
    Despite his comment, Kass covered her breasts with her hands and followed the voice. Twisting, she looked behind her and saw a large shadow against the back wall. “What do you want?”
    “I thought that was obvious.” The shadow shrugged but didn’t come closer.
    She frowned and fought the urge to pull the pins out of her hair. Paranoia was a good thing sometimes and she would feel better if the small dagger she’d also concealed in her hair was in her hand. “There’s nothing obvious about this situation. You step closer and you’re a dead man.”
    “Could you do it, Kass?”
    “Yes.” The soft accent to her name gave away the shadow’s identity. “What are you doing in here, Miguel?”
    She heard Miguel laugh quietly as he shook his head. “You’re a clever woman, Kass.”
    “I have my moments. Why are you in my bath?”
    “I most certainly am not in your bath, Kass. Unless you’re inviting me? I’ll beg.”
    Thankful that the shadows concealed her body, she rolled over in the tub and peered over the edge at him. “I can’t see you as the type to beg for anything.”
    “Only for you, Kass. I’d beg for one brief taste.”
    Kass felt like the temperature in the room soared. Never had a man been so bold with her and then offered to beg. Julien demanded. He didn’t beg. She knew that Miguel was a dangerous man. That he managed to circumvent Julien’s security was proof of his talent in espionage.
    “Would you tell me how you got to Julien’s office without being detected?”
    “So you can escape the same way?” Miguel countered. “I

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