The Darker Side of Mummy Misfit #2
wanted to have a lot more fun with this one.
    Mr Rooney approached me as I was packing my files away.  He got quite close and I could smell toothpaste and a rather nice aftershave.
    He positioned himself close to my ear and whispered, “You two are up to something, aren’t you?  Can’t wait to find out what.”
    Hmm.  Felt the first stirring of arousal I’ve had in months.
    Oh, pull yourself together woman!  He has that effect on all the mums - get to the back of the queue.
    Wednesday 5 th November
    We were enjoying a mini fireworks display at F&J’s along with Patience and Solomon when my mobile rang and I saw ‘Nic’ flash up on the screen.
    They’ve got baby Mikhail settled in at home and want us to go and meet him tomorrow.  He sounded so happy … and I felt so sad.
    A new baby.  I’ll have to hold it and smell it and grow to love it.
    And I’m not sure if I can.
    Put a bit of a dampener on the fireworks and I went home with the hump.
    Thought I was getting better but the hurt just won’t go away.
    Thursday 6 th November
    Most of the day was spent finalising things for the parents’ welcome drinks party tomorrow but I did manage to pop in to Mrs S before we set off to Nic and Rick.
    Skunk and Silver were there with her and teaching her to play poker.  She had her trademark Babycham by her side and Desmond was happily whistling bits of ‘Firestarter’ whilst sitting on her shoulder.
    “Old Des has got quite a routine going now, Lib.  Can’t ‘ave ‘im just doin’ Bazza Manilow numbers can we?” Skunk said.
    “I am very much looking forward to seeing ‘Miss Stuck-up’ when she returns with my Pritesh.  She won’t be calling my birdie untrainable again in a curry-hurry.”
    Told Mrs S to make sure I was there to witness the look on Gestapo’s face when she does the ‘big reveal’.  I’m sure it will be priceless.
    Ned came home from work early so that we could get to Nic’s at a reasonable time.  I’d bought them some adorable Babygrows and a snow-suit but the act almost broke my heart.
    Anyway, the upshot is Mikhail is very cute, if a tad odd looking.  He has the most serious expression and, at three months, seems very knowing in a slightly unnerving sort of way.
    Max asked if he could understand what we were saying to him or if we would have to learn Russian.  We explained to him that Mikhail would learn to speak English as he grew up and right now wouldn’t understand any of what we were saying because he was too young.
    “Oh, so he won’t mind if I say he looks a bit like an old man then?”
    Explained that no, he wouldn’t but Nic and Rick might!
    Nic laughed and tickled Max.  “Oh I don’t mind Maxie-Boy!  You looked like a rotten tomato when you were born and now look how handsome you are.”
    Max giggled and jumped off the sofa declaring that babies were boring and he was going to play with Stripe.
    “I’m glad we haven’t got one,” he added as he went to find Stripe.  “They don’t do anything!”
    At that moment Baby Mikhail chose to fill his nappy with a humungous wet one and I took great pleasure in handing him back to his fathers!
    Friday 7 th November
    Welcome Drinks Party
    Thought I needed a spot of retail therapy this morning and decided to treat myself to something new to wear tonight.
    What’s more, I decided I’d buy new for a change and not hit the charity shops.  I didn’t intend to go mad with some ridiculously over-priced designer gear because that’s just not me ,but it felt good to be able to have a wander around the shops and not worry too much about price-tags.
    Decided on a really trendy tunic and some beautifully soft suede knee-length boots.  They’ll look great with my leggings, and I think my anxiety may have helped me to shed a couple of pounds over the last few months, so that can only be a

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