Pushed to the Limit (an Emma Cassidy Mystery Book 2)

Free Pushed to the Limit (an Emma Cassidy Mystery Book 2) by Karen Chester

Book: Pushed to the Limit (an Emma Cassidy Mystery Book 2) by Karen Chester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Chester
at Becky’s Diner, which meant
they got to eat delicious food and didn’t have to clean up afterward. Emma cut
a wedge of waffle, dipped it in maple syrup, and popped it into her salivating
mouth. Bliss. “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips,” she said. “You know
I’ve gained five pounds since I moved back here?”
    Andrew pushed up his wire-framed spectacles
and looked her over. “You needed it. You were skin and bone. You look much
better now.”
    “Thanks, Dad.” What would she have done
without her dad? When she’d dragged herself back to Greenville, she’d been so
exhausted—mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. Her father had
welcomed her back without a fuss, quietly giving her the space and support to
recover on her own terms. Little wonder that he was good at his job as a
student counselor at the local high school.
    “But it wouldn’t hurt to lose a bit of
weight.” She pinched her midriff which wasn’t as svelte as a few years back.
“I’ve joined a gym. Had my first class on Friday.” With Wesley, the muscle-bound
fitness instructor. The fact that he was blond, good-looking, and friendly had
made the class a little less painful.
    Her dad shook his head. “What’s wrong with
walking? It would take the same amount of time as going to the gym, plus it
wouldn’t cost you anything.”
    “Yeah, but being in a class motivates me.”
As did Wesley. Not that she was interested in him or anything. After her ex had
let her down so badly, she was wary of jumping into the dating pool again.
Plus, there was the Owen factor, something she wasn’t willing to think about
too much at the moment.
    Becky stopped by their table to top up
their coffee.
    “Hey, Becky,” Andrew said. “Tell Emma she
doesn’t need to go to the gym and do those crazy workouts.”
    “If it’s exercise you need, you could help
out here.” Becky waved a hand at the rest of the crowded room. Summer and
Sunday brunch-time meant the diner was packed. Even so, Becky sailed unfazed
through the melee, always friendly and calm, her staff taking their lead from
her. The diner might be plain and unpretentious, but there was a reason why
people returned here, and it wasn’t just the excellent coffee and pie.
    Emma chuckled at Becky’s suggestion. “Have
you forgotten the time I worked here when I was sixteen? On my first shift I
spilled a soda over the minister’s wife, almost gave a peanut butter sandwich
to an allergic kid, and managed to set my apron on fire. I think you were
quietly relieved when I quit after that.”
    “You were sixteen. A lot has happened since
    “Maybe, but I’m still a klutz around the
kitchen. No, I’ll stick to the gym, thanks.”
    “Well, I don’t blame you. They do have some
nice-looking instructors there.”
    “Do they?” Emma asked in mock innocence.
    She glanced at her dad who was calmly
eating his eggs and bacon. He had once said that she should start dating again,
had also voiced a hope that she and Owen might rekindle their relationship.
Now, he didn’t say anything, just lifted an eyebrow at her.
    “Wesley comes in here sometimes,” Becky
continued, a teasing glint in her eyes. “He’s got a bit of the bad boy vibe
about him, don’t you think?”
    “Oh, he’s okay.” Emma forked up the last of
her waffles and stuffed them into her mouth since she had nothing further to
say about hot fitness instructors. With a final grin, Becky patted Emma on the
shoulder and floated over to the next table.
    Emma and her dad were lingering over a
final cup of coffee when she received a call. It was Lorraine. She’d just come
back from the hospital. Faye was more coherent now, after being under
observation for eight hours. Her ankle surgery was due to take place later
    “Actually, I called because I have another
favor to ask you,” Lorraine said. She sounded more in control today, though a quaver
persisted in her voice. “Faye asked me to bring her a few things from

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