
Free Duality by Renee Wildes

Book: Duality by Renee Wildes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Wildes
name caused his heart to clench anew. “Jalad has Dara. If there is anything you can do on your end until I return…”
    “We’ll see it done.”
    “Take care. Do not risk what is left of your people.”
    “Take care of Queen Moira. See if ye can’t talk her wild relatives into a trip south. They’re fierce fighters.”
    “My first responsibility is Moira’s safety.” Loren reminded himself as much as Artur.
    “Wind at thy back, warrior.”
    “Sun warm thy face, friend.” Loren clasped Artur’s arm. “Mayhaps we shall meet again.”
    “I look forward t’ that day.” Artur turned and disappeared into his stable.
    “Go,” Loren told Hani`ena. The white mare bolted forward as if stung by a bee and thundered out of town on the northward road. Once the town was out of sight, she angled eastward off the main path into the Great Marsh, the last place pursuers would look. If Moira skirted the edges, Loren and Hani`ena should overtake her without much difficulty.
    Every instinct urged Loren to turn back. Only Hani`ena’s single-minded focus on the mission and Cedric’s promise kept him in the saddle. They splashed ever northeastward into clouds of stinging, biting insects. Lorelei’s amulet would come in handy in this foul quagmire.
    Loren paused Hani`ena aside a withered telgara bush, drew his knife as he dismounted. Pulling the plant out of the ground, he cut into its roots. A sharp, spicy scent clung to the oozing sap. Loren rubbed it all over the mare and himself, and the insects kept their distance.
    If only the searing pain in his arm was so easily rubbed away. What did Cedric have in mind? Goddess protect Dara .

Chapter Five
    Jalad locked the door behind him, then went around the room lighting rush torches in their wall holders. The scent of burning rancid fat permeated the air. “Like how I’ve redecorated?”
    “I prefer how ’twas afore.”
    His half-shadowed face twisted into an ugly mask. “Spent a lot of time in Hengist’s bed, did you? What did Moira think of her husband bedding the help? Or did she also?”
    “How dare you. I was in the keep as healer, not whore.”
    “What a waste.” He unbuckled his scabbard and hung it on the wall. “Foolish to teach women anything but cooking, sewing and spreading their legs.”
    “Foolish of you to have no healers.”
    He snorted. “Field surgeons for battles.”
    If he was serious, she couldn’t imagine the death-toll in his own lands. How many people died of minor issues turned life-threatening through neglect? “What of sickness, injuries, childbirth?”
    “I’ll waste no effort on a slave. Recover or die; they’re easily replaced.”
    He truly was a monster. “You’re a fool.” Dara twisted in her chains.
    He laughed. “Going somewhere?” He stood at the edge of the bed. His face lost every trace of false humor. “What’s your name?”
    No harm in telling that truth. “Dara.”
    He cracked his knuckles. “Who are your parents?”
    “Rufus Quickblade and his second wife Fanny.”
    “Liar.” He lashed out with a fist. The pillow absorbed some of the blow, but not all. Dara tasted blood.
    “’Tis a simple question, slave. Who are your parents?”
    “Rufus and Fanny raised me. Ask anyone.”
    Those serpentine eyes watched her. “Fanny was barren, so who are your parents?”
    She gritted her teeth. “Rufus and Fanny are the only parents I remember.”
    “Your birth mother was Sheena Kahn Androcles. They say you’re her very likeness.” He reached out, stroking a hand down a length of her hair. It curled and slid betwixt his rough fingers. “Like fire itself.”
    She shuddered at the expression on his face.
    “You’re a whore and the bastard daughter of a whore. Now my slave to do with as I see fit.” He grabbed her by her right shoulder, twisting her arm until the brand was in plain sight. “That is how the rest of the world will see you from this day forward.”
    Dara gasped through tears. Rufus’ training came

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