My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5)

Free My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor

Book: My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
fucking me with his tongue now and rubbing my
hard nub with one of his fingers. He switched hands, so the one that was wet
with my pussy juices was on my ass and while he ate me out he began probing my
asshole with his fingers. I was wiggling and bucking my hips towards his face.
Moans and cries of pleasure that I didn’t even know I had in me were escaping
from my lips. I felt myself shaking all over and I knew I wasn’t going to make
it much longer before I came.
    He reached over and took my hand and brought it down
between my legs. He guided my fingers to my clit and while I fingered myself he
continued to lick and slurp with his tongue. It was true ecstasy and after five
or maybe ten minutes of that, I was screaming out in a loud, wild orgasm that
rocked my entire body to its core. He kept his tongue pressed tight against my
clit until the force of the orgasm had passed and I stopped shaking. Then he
pulled me down into his lap.
    He kissed me, shoving his tongue coated with my
juices into my mouth, exploring it while his hands groped my tits and ass
simultaneously. I could feel his rock hard cock resting between my ass cheeks
and I wanted it so fucking bad. I was moaning against his mouth as he pinched
and rolled my nipples. He lifted me up and twisted me around so my wet pussy
was rubbing along the shaft of his cock. He slid me back and forth along it
until he was as soaked with my juices as I was.
    On the third or fourth pass, he tried to catch the
tip of it in my slit so he could slide it in. “No baby,” I whispered in his
ear. He looked up at me like I’d lost my mind. I smiled and said, “I want you
to fuck me doggy style.” He grinned and kind of growled his agreement before
almost roughly lifting me off of him and onto my stomach on the bed. I lifted
myself up with my arms and pushed my ass back into him.
    He knelt behind me and slid one of his fingers into
me all the way to the knuckle. I moaned as he moved it around and played with
my G-spot. Just about the time I thought I would cum again, he pulled it out
and pressed his cock up against my entrance. He pushed gently at first and as
he slid into me I could feel my pussy clinging to his cock like it was a second
skin. When he was all the way in I could feel my pussy muscles quivering and I
moaned loudly again. As an apartment dweller with a roommate, I was usually
more inhibited, but in the moment, I clearly didn’t give a rat’s ass what
anyone thought.
    “You’re so fucking hot, baby,” he whispered in a
raspy voice. He started moving in and out of me then in a quick rhythm as I
moved back against him. His groin was making slapping noises up against my ass
as he plunged in deeper and harder. He had a hold of my hips and each time he
stroked forward, he would pull me back onto him.
    I couldn’t hold it back any longer; the orgasm hit
me again like a ton of bricks and I cried out, “Oh yes! Fuck yeah! Oh god!” The
muscles inside my pussy went into an uncontrollable spasm and the wetness
gushed out all over him and the tops of my thighs. He kept banging away and I
kept cumming , over and over again. Eventually, I
collapsed the top half of my body onto the bed, leaving my ass extended up into
the air. He slowed down, I could tell he was close, but he still wasn’t ready
to cum.  
    I felt him reach around then and dip two of his
fingers into the pool of wetness between my legs. He ran them across my clit
and I swear to God I almost started cumming again.
    “Oh god, Tristan!” I yelled out. I couldn’t see his
face, but I know he was smiling. A few seconds later I felt his wet fingers
pressing against the entrance to my ass. He was slow and gentle, slipping in
one at a time as he continued to fuck my pussy. When he slid out of me I felt
suddenly cold and empty. Then I felt him press his cock against my ass hole and
I braced myself as he started inching himself in. His cock was saturated with
my cum so it didn’t take long before the shaft was

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