The Passion of Mademoiselle S.

Free The Passion of Mademoiselle S. by Jean-Yves Berthault

Book: The Passion of Mademoiselle S. by Jean-Yves Berthault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean-Yves Berthault
will have come true. I live in eager anticipation of the moment when I shall become your lover,
your man
. Yes, I want to be your man just as you are my mistress. I want to give you the same pleasures you give me when your pink tongue tickles my cunt’s pink button. Oh, Lottie, how expertly you get my juices spilling from me! Do you know, I am now filled with furious desire to be fucked, to feel my lover probing deep inside me to release waves of come. Yes, you should feel proud because you have taught me to love that coupling so much that I could not bear to be without it now. We are all square: I bugger you, you fuck me and we shall always keep it that way, shall we not, my loved one, united by our shared vices and our all-powerful passion?
    Next week I expect we shall be able to love each other with our usual abandon. Our bodies will seek each other out in the half-light, our mouths will meet in endless kisses and our most intimate parts will be lost in each other in the most wonderful of couplings. I adore your sweet little breasts, they are the breasts of my imaginary mistress. They are charming, delicate little toys I can hold in the crook of my hand. Let me linger on them for a while. And you, my dear treasure, you will delve your impatient tongue through the secret folds of my cunt. I shall feel your warm breath on my engorged button and you will drink up the waves of juices released by your kisses. And you will kiss my nipples too. Do you know how I adore it when you do that? Darling, I cannot think of everything we might do but I am sure we shall commit great follies, shan’t we, my loved one, for what could we do together but commit follies?
    More than ever now I want to be “your darling slut” so you can find every pleasure in my arms. And you will be truly filthy with me so you can match up to your mistress, won’t you, dear love?
    What will you do, dear friend, when you have me beside you? Tell me quickly what you want of me when next we meet.
    Oh, I cannot wait to take you in my arms and press my body up to yours to see the dark flame of desire light in your eyes. I like watching your desire escalating in sudden waves. It soon submerges you and you cannot fight the sheer strength of your blood beating violently in your veins. And you take me in an endless coupling that breaks me in two, bends me to your will and makes me shudder irresistibly. Yes, I am yours, do you know that, darling love? And do you want to keep me forever? Are you mine forever, my lover whom I adore?
    You say I am the one who has made you the perverted creature you now are, I am the one gradually dragging you down the slippery slope of all-encompassing vice. Perhaps, but surely you too have instilled in me this craving for ever more pleasure, you have made me seek out peculiar and unsuspected ministrations. So, you see, our love was born of a meeting of minds, born of the thrill when our eyes met, and of the way our bodies called to each other. We came within touching distance of each other for days and days, and we both had the same intention, we both knew we must persevere, that happiness was there, in the fusion of our two beings. We gave ourselves before we even knew each other, and what came next proved we were right. Since becoming lovers, we have only ever known pleasure together, and the way we give ourselves and take each other affords us boundless ecstasy. Yes, let’s keep it to the two of us, my dear love, just the two of us. If you want to, we could try this idea, which has become an obsession for us both, but I do not believe it will give us any greater voluptuous delights than our own ever more ardently pleasurable couplings.
    Goodbye, dear love. Shall I find a long letter from you when I arrive on Monday morning? I do hope so. And now I shall say “see you soon,” for I hope we shall be making love in a few short days.
    I adore you. My mouth wherever you want it. Just tell me, where?

My loved one,
    What an

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