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Book: OnlyatTheCavern by Anna Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Alexander
impression of
him didn’t change as he was stripped down to bare skin. His physique was soft
but not doughy, and hair covered his chest, arms, legs and belly. From the
juncture of his thighs, his erection, again average, rose to half-mast.
    While Jasmine removed the man’s clothes, his mistress
watched with a cool, detached expression. In her hand she held a whip, the end
skimming the floor as she lazily swung the length back and forth. Every once in
a while she trailed the handle over her midnight-blue corseted torso and upper
curve of her breasts, flicking her tongue over the end in a teasing caress.
    Judging by the delighted smile the sub struggled to contain,
Marco saw how he thought he had played his mistress well. For a guy who was
having his wrists bound and strung up by a hook hanging from the ceiling, he
was looking very pleased with himself. That was until his mistress passed the
whip to Jasmina with a wicked grin curving both of their lips.
    A chair was brought up onto the stage while Mistress
Madeline beckoned to someone out of Marco’s range of vision to join her. To his
surprise, it was the man he recognized as Jasmina’s former submissive who
stepped into the spot she directed behind her.
    “I don’t understand,” Marco murmured before he caught
    “That is Army, Jasmina’s former submissive,” Amaryllis
answered, not understanding his query. “He agreed to assist in this punishment.
Even though they are no longer a couple, he still wishes to please his
    “What kind of a name is Army? And Megabyte too for that
    “Don’t you know? Here a submissive has to earn the use of
their given name. Until then, you answer to the name bequeathed to you by your
    Bequeathed? Fuck, there was a lot about this world he was
completely clueless about.
    A hush fell over the crowd and his attention was drawn back
to Jasmina. She kept her legs straight as she bent at the waist and very slowly
slipped off one boot then the other. The submissive sucked in a breath and
Marco too recognized the subtle signal that she was about to unleash hell.
    One step, then another brought her closer to the trembling
man. She ran the end of the whip from his chin down to his groin and tapped his
cock. “I’m allowed to do whatever I wish with him, Mistress Madeline?”
    “Whatever you wish.” Madeline guided Army’s hands around her
waist and encouraged him to touch her as he pleased.
    He wasted no time and went straight for her breasts, diving
his hands beneath the cups of her corset and squeezing the mounds with rough
fingers. She cooed and reached up and behind to guide his head down for him to
ravish her neck with biting kisses.
    The hanging submissive released a whimper that turned into a
cry as Jasmina released the whip and struck him across the back then let the
leather fly three more times in quick succession. She walked up behind the man
to press her breasts against the pink welts and grabbed his hair in her hand.
    “Watch her and take your punishment,” she growled in his
ear. “See what happens when you disrespect your mistress with your childish
games. Watch as another man takes what is supposed to be yours.”
    Madeline sat down in the chair and hooked her leg over each
arm, spreading her thighs wide apart. Her skirt was rucked up to her waist,
exposing the slick folds of her bare sex. She motioned to Army who fell to his
knees and dived into the offered treat.
    Jasmina took a step back and readied her stance for another
strike. As she raised her hand, she glanced out into the audience, her dark
gaze landed on Marco and her eyes widened with surprise. For several seconds
they breathed as one, his fingers curling around the back of the couch as he
waited for her next move.
    “Well, well, well,” Amaryllis sighed and nudged him with her
hip, breaking the spell.
    Jasmina’s gaze narrowed and her upper lip ticked with a
snarl. Marco silently apologized to the hanging man,

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