
Free OnlyatTheCavern by Anna Alexander

Book: OnlyatTheCavern by Anna Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Alexander
about me?”
    “You helped save my cousin-in-law. And you inadvertently
helped save a man I love as a brother. Whether you like it or not, Captain, you
have been adopted into the Kilsgaard family.”
    Was that type of consideration a blessing or a curse?
    She giggled and guided him to the bottom of the staircase.
“I take it you sustained your injuries while on the case of a mutual enemy of
    “Was it worth it?”
    “At this point, yes.” More than worth it, if he was allowed
to be truthful.
    Konkle’s cellphone contained texts and phone numbers of
several people in Smithwick’s operation. In the two days since he was released
from the hospital and trapped in the loving care of his sister, Coulter and
their team were able to detect a human-trafficking scheme involving several
massage parlors in town. In a month’s time a shipment of girls was scheduled to
arrive from various Southeast Asian countries and then filtered into the
general population as masseuses before being dispersed across the country to
the highest bidder. Konkle’s job was to bring in clientele to sample the girls’
ability to please before they were put on the bidding block. The best girls
were auctioned off while those who struggled or fought were killed. According
to intel, the auction was to be handled personally by Smithwick himself, who
was currently biding time in Asia and coordinating the collection of the girls.
    Until Smithwick returned, all Marco could do was sit on this
thumbs and work on other cases his team was handed. After all, Smithwick wasn’t
the only bad guy in town, but in comparison to the shit Smithwick stirred,
those tasks were child’s play. And since he was still supposed to be on
bedrest, all he had was time on his hands and the constant replay of Dr.
Jovanovich trying to scare him off from pursuing any further talk of them
hooking up. Did she honestly think the idea of making him worship at her feet
made him any less eager to fall on his knees for her? Quite the opposite in
fact. However, the way she spoke of her submissive certainly had derailed his
wishes. It had been plain to see she had great affection for the man, and he
wasn’t so shallow as to be a jackass and try to come between them. All that was
left was for him to envy the lucky SOB.
    Which was why he was here at the club at this exact time of
night. If she had a regular guy she played with, it was reasonable to think
they had a standing appointment. Maybe if he was able to see her, see them, in
their symbiotic-whatever-you-called-it glory, he might be able to allow the
thought of the doc performing all kinds of kinky acts on him to fade into
oblivion. If not, he’d keep on thinking, hoping, aching to make his fantasies
become a reality until he went mad.
    They reached the second-floor landing and his eyes scanned
the area, searching for any sign of Mistress Jasmina.
    “Looking for something, Captain? Or someone?”
    He sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe. I think
I may be going crazy, Mrs. Kilsgaard.”
    She smiled and again he had that feeling she was seeing
right into soul. “I think you are at a crossroads in your life. You know you
need a change, but your mind refuses to listen. Instinct, however, has led you
here. A place you know you will receive what you need.”
    “And what do I need?” he asked in a gruff voice.
    The smile widened. “You need to see a demonstration of what
can happen when a man allows all thought to leave and live in the moment. Lucky
for you, Mistress Jasmina is about to put on a show.”
    He stilled as his heart slammed into his rib cage. “She is?
I mean, Mistress Jasmina? Who is that?”
    Her eyes narrowed and she tilted her head. He held his
breath as she looked him up and down before she replied, “Mistress Jasmina is a
dominatrix. She is currently between submissives and is assisting another
dominatrix. It should be very educational.”
    Between submissives? Since

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