Annabel's Starring Role

Free Annabel's Starring Role by Holly Webb

Book: Annabel's Starring Role by Holly Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Webb
Katie suggested. “They’re working on scenery now, but they’ll be free for the performance.” This was starting to sound really good fun – being an ASM seemed to mean you were allowed to boss people around as much as possible!
    They all met up and went back to the triplets’ house afterwards – they had asked their mum, so she wasn’t too shocked when seven people arrived wanting drinks and biscuits. Becky, David and Fran squashed up on the sofa, with a sketchpad they’d borrowed from Annabel. Mrs Cranmer had told them they could be responsible for the set for the ballroom scene and they were really excited. Fran was brilliant at drawing, and soon she was sketching out ideas.
    â€œA big mantelpiece, like this, look, and some portraits, and big vases of flowers—”
    â€œOh, I thought that was a feather duster,” said David, craning his neck to look from another angle.
    Becky dug David in the ribs. “Shut up, silly. You knew perfectly well it was flowers. If you’re not careful Fran’ll make you model for all the portraits.”
    â€œOooh, Fran, you should make all the portraits of the teachers. That would be so funny!” suggested Annabel excitedly. “See how many of them guess!”
    It seemed as though the play was shaping up really well, and Annabel was so glad that all her friends were involved too. The only thing that spoilt all the fun a little was that Dad wouldn’t be there to see her. She’d been emailing him all about it, and when she checked her messages that evening there was a new one from him.
    Hi Bel!
    How’s everything going? Have you learnt all your words yet? Mum has promised to send me loads of photos of the play, and you in this fantastic dress – I’m so sorry that I can’t be there. We’re really busy again, and after I had that extra break at half-term, coming home for Christmas just isn’t an option this year. Mum’s been giving me loads of ideas for Christmas presents though – I think I’ve got everything sorted. I don’t know what I’d do without internet shopping! Oh, nearly forgot – does your computer have a microphone? Can you record yourself saying some of your lines from the play for me, and singing your songs? That way I’ll get a bit of a flavour of it. And make sure you get a copy of the video – I bet the school will do one. That can be my Christmas present from you.
    Lots of love, Dad
    Annabel made a face at the screen. They did have a microphone attached to the computer, but it wasn’t very good – and it wasn’t nearly the same as having Dad really there. She sighed. The triplets had had to get used to missing him. It had been really hard for Katie recently with Dad missing all her football matches. He was really into sporty stuff and he used to play football with Katie a lot, but he loved seeing Annabel doing stuff like this too. He was always telling her she’d be a star if she just never gave up.
    Then she smiled – Dad’s email had reminded her of her dress. It was all finished now, and it was hanging up in the wardrobe in Mum’s room. Annabel quickly sent off a reply to Dad, promising to do a recording soon. Then she turned the computer off and raced down the steps from the loft – she just had to go and see it again! It was so perfect. She didn’t put it on, just lifted it very carefully out of the wardrobe and laid it on the bed so she could stroke it. The silvery-lilac fabric shimmered as she ran her hand down the folds admiringly. It was so unfair that she wouldn’t get to keep it! After the play it would become part of the school costume store – even though she knew that it wouldn’t fit her for long it was still going to be a wrench. And the idea of somebody else wearing her dress was just horrible!

Chapter Eight
    â€œBel! Bel, where are you?” Katie was calling up the stairs

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