The Warrior

Free The Warrior by Erin Trejo

Book: The Warrior by Erin Trejo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Trejo
Tags: love, trafficking, hate, self worth
onto. I run my free
hand down across her stomach and she cries more. “I will try to be
better.” I whisper again.
    We kissed the girls and Josh bye and I don’t
like taking Bradon back with me but he wouldn’t have it any other
way. We left a bunch of crying girls for Jeremy to deal with but I
know he can handle it.
    “You think this is going to work?” Bradon
asks as we drive.
    “I sure as fuck hope so.” I say as I watch
out the window. Our plan changed a little from the original since I
have a new reason to live. We drive south towards Mexico where I
have set up a meeting with some of the other guys. I really hope
this is the right choice. We drive for hours and cross the border
without any problems. We drive up to this shittiest bar there is
and park. We jump out and we all head inside. I look around and
find exactly who I wanted to find. Joel. Joel is a man dad has been
dealing with since before we were born the man is in his 70’s and
still kicking ass.
    “How you been Joel?” I say as I sit at the
table facing him.
    “Damn Cadence. I never thought I would have
the pleasure of seeing your face again.” Joel says with a smile. He
orders us some beers as Bradon and the others stand guard around
the place just in case.
    “I hear there have been some deaths over your
way.” He says as the beers are sat in front of us and I nod. “Heard
The Warrior was responsible.” He says and my heart slams into my
chest. My heart may be pounding inside me but I will not break face
and let on.
    “Well that’s where the story differs a bit.”
I say as I place my hands on the table which is a sign we have to
show we are not threatening anyone. Joel notices and nods his
    “Let’s hear where that differs then.” He says
as I nod. I tell him the story of what we have heard plus the
information I have and he doesn’t seem pleased.
    “So Randy thinks he will run it all huh?” He
says looking at me as I drink my beer.
    “Looks that way. The problem is he is using
me to take them out. Obviously we all know here that I did take the
first 2 out but that was before I knew what the hell was going on.
The way I'm looking at things is that you and Hector are my next
targets. I’ll be honest with you Joel. I want out. I have a family
and I don’t want them in this shit. I don’t want this shit. So I'm
here to make you an offer.” I say as he watches me intently.
    “You want to make me an offer for my life?”
He says as I nod. He shakes his head as he watches me. “Cadence I'm
an old man. I'm going to die soon what makes you think I want to
bargain?” He says as I smile.
    “It isn’t just your life he wants. He wants
your families too. I know you have kids and grandkids Joel come on.
I grew up knowing half of them. The reason the last kid didn’t die
is because I let him live. My heart may be dead but there is still
a soft spot there and I refuse to kill a child.” I say as Joel
shifts in his seat.
    “What do you want?” He says watching me.
    “I want a meet with Hector. I want my family
covered to get out of here for at least 6 months and I want mine
and Bradon’s name cleared off any lists we may be on.” I say as
Joel watches me. He sits there for a few minutes not speaking as he
thinks about what I have said. After a few minutes he looks at me
and speaks.
    “And you will guarantee your father will not
be a problem?” He says as he watches me.
    “I will personally guarantee it. I will be
the one to take him out.” I say as he nods. He reaches over the
table and shakes my hand.
    “You have a deal.” He says as I shake his
hand and nod.
    We hang out at Joel’s place out in the desert
while he makes the plans for me to meet with Hector. We mostly sit
around doing nothing. There isn’t much to do out this way. We are
all sitting around laughing when Joel comes in.
    “Hector agrees to meet with you. He will be
here shortly.” Joel says as I nod my head at him. “May I have a

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