
Free Radioactive by Maya Shepherd

Book: Radioactive by Maya Shepherd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Shepherd
though the world lay in ruins. The aim of the people was to survive. Day and night they were working on a future for the generations following them. They fought for our lives.”
    Although many of the faces act as empty and as lifeless as they had at the beginning of my speech, I see a few people have a flash in their eyes. I am reaching them with my words. This knowledge gives me the strength and the courage to continue.
    â€œBut now it is up to us to fight for our future. The first generation of the Legion gave us security. Our job is to do more. We need not only a place that is safe, but a place we can call home. We need people around us who appreciate us for who we are. We need a family.”
    I read confusion in the eyes of people in front of me. My words are new to them. Previously any kind of feeling was forbidden. But from Clyde’s eyes, I can see his disapproval has vanished. When our eyes meet, he nods approvingly. My response is a smile. A smile in front of people who have never been blessed with love or affection. My smile is supposed to be a gift to them and make them see at the same time that I mean my words. I will allow them to feel.
    Had A489 known the text of my speech earlier, he would never have allowed me to speak. He is beside himself. I can hear his sibilant voice behind me. He wants me to stop immediately. A350 tries to hold him back. She is having a difficult time of it. I may not have much time left.
    With head held high, I continue. “The atrium is the only place in the safety zone where we all come together. It is the only place where we are really all the same.”
    Suddenly I notice a change in the faces of the residents. Their eyes are torn in disbelief. I need a moment to realize it is not my words, but what is happening behind me. Seven of the Legion commanders have left the stage and rush back into the elevator. Among them, A350 and A566. What happened? The two remaining Legion commanders remain standing behind me, but instead of listening to me, they are spellbound by the listening device in their ear. This is something else that sets me apart from the other Legion commanders. The others all wear some sort of microchip behind their ear which allows them to communicate with each other at any time. I do not envy them, but I would like to know what caused their anxiety. They looked extremely panicked. I have never seen them act that way before, the same can be said for the safety zone residents in front of me.
    â€œGo on, but hurry up,” one of the remaining commanders tells me. Obviously whatever happened is more important than anything I could say to the people.
    I’m trying to concentrate, but I find it difficult to regain the thread.
    â€œFrom today, the atrium will be a place of meeting. A place of communion.”
    I realize that I am not succeeding in drawing the attention of the audience back to me. The sudden flight of the Legion commanders scared them. Nevertheless, I will finish my speech bravely.
    â€œTherefore, food allocation for all residents will immediately take place here in the atrium.”
    On my command, two fighters uncover the new food counters. Now everyone can see them. No one cheers, only a few curious glances. Not many people noticed, their thoughts are elsewhere.
    Three D-Class food allocation members take their places behind the new counters.
    I hereby open the new food allocation system. Please introduce yourselves in orderly rows to receive your rations.”
    The people obey immediately, but I expected nothing else. Especially in unfamiliar situations like this, commands are the only thing that calms them. As long as they are told what they should do, they have the feeling that everything is under control.
    I am so disappointed with my speech. It started so well in the beginning. I wanted to make a difference, but now they’re all worried. The other two Legion commanders give me a sign that it’s time to go. They’re in

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