Paradise - Part Four (The Erotic Adventures of Sophia Durant)

Free Paradise - Part Four (The Erotic Adventures of Sophia Durant) by O.L. Casper

Book: Paradise - Part Four (The Erotic Adventures of Sophia Durant) by O.L. Casper Read Free Book Online
Authors: O.L. Casper
on the island. However, I reasoned she could not be, mostly because she was so clearly British and the agent would probably not pretend to own a hotel apart from not being British. I had the feeling Stafford would meet with Ms. Mordaunt privately and I looked forward to spying on them at least through the mic on his phone. As they conversed, my mind drifted further and I began to think about how I might eventually meet the FBI agent.
    Ms. Mordaunt received a call and excused herself claiming she had some hotel business to attend to. Stafford didn’t say anything about her after she left but I could tell he was pleased to meet her. My heart sank. I was sure he loved me but if he had an affair with the woman it would add certain unpleasant complications to the situation I wasn’t quite sure how I’d handle. I was so distressed from the guilt of what had happened with Emma Green and Ava Madeiros that I didn’t really see myself handling matters in the same way again. But if I was pushed and became jealous, I would enter a fog of abhorrent emotion, and, in that case, I couldn’t really tell what would happen.
    A crisp breeze came up off the sea, and we decided to take a walk on the beach and discuss the meeting that was about to take place.
    “I want to see what you think of these gentlemen. Record the conversation. We can analyze it later.”
    When we separated I decided to wait in the hotel bar and have drink, imagining that if anyone wanted to contact me it would give them ample opportunity. I looked around the bar, which was mostly empty. The few people I saw didn’t return a glance. Then a familiar man in sunglasses sat down at the bar next to me.
    “So—as you can see, they approved my journey out here,” came the familiar voice of Glenn Carter.
    He tipped his shades down and smiled.
    “I was beginning to think no one was coming.”
    “Oh, we’re always with you these days. It’s more a matter of whether we choose to reveal ourselves.”
    I laughed out loud. The tone of the laughter seemed to irk my companion, I noticed a small frown on his face.
    “I notice when you stiffs are around.”
    “What is it about us that makes us so noticeable, Sophia?”
    “Mm—where do I begin? The cheap, Italian shoes? The plastic digital watches? The uniformly awful suits that never quite fit?”
    He smirked.
    “Yes, it’s true. Our undercover capabilities are badly underfunded.”
    “You don’t need a big budget for decent disguises.”
    “Just a little creativity. I know, I know,” he said.
    “You’re worse at undercover work than the Florida police.”
    “You’re probably right. But enough about our shortcomings. What about yours?”
    “You tell me. What are they?”
    I was genuinely curious to know, though I was pretty sure he was talking out of his ass.
    “You’re perfect.”
    “Now I know you’re talking out of your ass.”
    “No. We haven’t found your imperfections yet. We’re still searching.”
    “That could take years.”
    He laughed.
    “You think you’re smooth, Sophia. My advice to you: don’t get caught up.”
    “As in?”
    “Don’t let your ego swell to the point where you think you can do no wrong. That’s when the danger comes.”
    He looked at me closely, studying my reaction.
    “I’m a law abiding citizen, Mr. Carter. That’s not going to change for anyone.”
    “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”
    He looked at me hard.
    “I’ll ask you once more. If the answer is no—fine. Will you wear a wire?”
    “I’m sure you’ve heard of obstruction of justice.”
    “I have. Would you like to take me in and book me?”
    He smiled and took a drink of ice water.
    “We’ll take the audio from your phone as you said we could.”
    “You’re more than welcome to that.”
    “Just don’t sit on your phone, alright?”
    “Has Mr. Stafford clued you in to any details about the meeting yet?”
    “It’s something about textiles with a

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