Hope For Garbage

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Book: Hope For Garbage by Alex Tully Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Tully
no…absolutely not.  You should be pissed.  Your husband is a complete jackass if he’s having an affair.  Seriously.”
    She laughed and gave him a look that sent his blood rushing.  Even with all the black shit on her face, she was still hot.  And she looked so young when she let her guard down.  She could pass for Bea’s big sister, instead of her mom. 
    As Bea entered his mind, he quickly looked away. “Do you have proof? I mean do you know for sure?”
    Evelyn was searching for something in her purse.  “There were little signs at first.  Then Lorene found this earring in the house.”  She held up a little gold ball.  “It isn’t mine or Barbara’s.”
    Again, the mention of Bea made him squirm in his seat, “Maybe it belongs to one of Bea’s friends.”
    Evelyn sighed, “Maybe.  But you know what Trevor?  A woman just knows.  When you’ve be en married to someone for twenty years, you know.”
    She leaned over him and reached into the glove compartment.  “Excuse me.  I think I have some tissues in here.”  She was just inches from his face and she smelled so good.  His heart started racing.  He closed his eyes, as if not looking at her would help anything.
    And then it happened.  In a matter of seconds, her lips were on his.  Her very experienced mouth took complete control.   He sat there motionless, eyes closed, hands at his sides.  She held the sides of his face and kissed him more deeply. He didn’t move.
    Then she got on top of him, and her hands started pulling at his shirt.  He was so turned on and so scared at the same time.  He couldn’t seem to move his body, but his thoughts ran wild.  Was this lady mental?   What about Bea?
    “Wait…Evelyn…this is crazy…”
    She started kissing his neck, her hands unbuttoning his shirt.  She was whispering in his ear, “I just want to feel beautiful…I just want to feel loved and wanted.  That’s all I want.”
    The heat was building up inside of him and Trevor thought he might explode.  Get a grip!
    She ran her hands over his chest and nibbled on his ear, “Is that too much to ask?  You want me, don’t you Trevor?”
    He grabbed Evelyn’s shoulders and pushed her away.  “No…this is wrong.  This is really wrong.”  He wanted to say Bea’s name but he found himself holding back.  Just say it Trevor.
    Evelyn looked him in the eyes .  As if reading his mind she said softly, “Trevor, listen to me.  No one will ever know.  Do you hear me?  Ever.  But you have to decide…”
    They stared at each other for seconds that seemed like minutes.  And then she asked, “So Trevor, what do you want to do?”

    CHAPTER 14
    Trevor had tossed and turned most of the night, barely sleeping at all.  No need for an alarm; he was awake well before six.  The sky outside was just turning from grey to hazy white and he was ready to leave.
    He wanted to get to the hospital first thing in the morning.  Carol’s voicemail had said Mr.T was okay, that there was nothing to worry about, but Trevor had to see for himself.
    He pedaled his bike east toward th e hospital trying not to think about the night before.  The whole thing seemed surreal. Maybe it had all been just a dream.  He arrived at the hospital and locked up his bike near the entrance doors.
    At the front desk, he asked for Tom Tyminski’s room and then took the elevator up to the third floor.  Trevor did not like hospitals—the smell alone was as bad as Uncle Gary’s laundry.  He tried not to breathe through his nose.
    He wandered down the hall, following the signs until he came to room 312.  He peeked inside and found Mr.T in bed.  Blending right into the white hospital sheet tucked under his arms, the old man looked alarmingly pale and thin.  Trevor took a deep breath.  
    The TV was playing quietly in the background, but Mr.T appeared to be sleeping.  Trevor sat in the chair next to the bed and glanced up to see

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