Hope For Garbage

Free Hope For Garbage by Alex Tully

Book: Hope For Garbage by Alex Tully Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Tully
next to Maddie’s bedside at this very hospital.
    Carol walked over, “Hey, how you feeling?”  There was obvious concern in her eyes and it was strangely comforting.  “Can I get you anything?”
    “Oh, I’m fine.  They said it wasn’t serious.  I should be able to go home tomorrow.”  Suddenly he remembered Trevor—Tom was supposed to pick him up at that girl’s house.  “Oh shoot!  I forgot about the kid!   Could you call him and let him know what happened?”
    “Of course.  Oh my, he’s probably worried sick by now.  I’ll call him right away,” she jotted down the number and wandered off in search of a pay phone.  Tom would make sure to let Trevor know he was not the only person on the planet without a cell phone.
    “And make sure you say it wasn’t serious!  I don’t want the kid to worry about me!”
    “Sure thing!” Carol shouted back.
    An ER nurse came over to wheel Tom to his room.  As he closed his eyes, he thought about the kid. Maybe Trevor was able to get a ride from Lorene.  He just hoped the poor kid wasn’t walking home.
    They drove in silence for the first few minutes.  Trevor was busy examining the interior of her Mercedes.  It was sweet, definitely top-of-the-line.  It had all of the luxuries: heated leather seats, moon roof, navigation system, Bose stereo…all the gadgets.
    And Evelyn Stewart fit right into her surroundings.  This lady was high-class all the way.  Everything about her was polished.  Her blond hair was pulled back tightly from her well made-up face.  Her bright red lipstick matched her bright red nails.  The rock on her wedding ring was so big, it looked like her boney finger would snap under the weight of it.
    “So how do you like Westwood Trevor?” she asked quietly.
    How did she think he liked Westwood?  It was a shithole compared to Harbor Village. “How do I like it?  Hmm… I guess it’s okay Mrs. Stewart.”
    She was looking him over.  “Please, just call me Evelyn,” she said without a hint of emotion.  They drove a few more minutes in silence.  He just wished she would put on the radio or something.  “Can I ask you something Trevor?”
    He felt a flicker of uneasiness creep up inside of him. “Sure.”
    “Do you think I’m attractive?”  Holy shit .  His heart started racing.  He shifted in his seat turning towards the window.  What the hell should he say?
    “Yeah, I think you are attractive Mrs.—I mean Evelyn.”  He tried to sound as casual as possible, but he had a feeling he was failing big-time.
    She spoke in almost a whisper, “You know, I work really hard to look this way.  I run on the treadmill every night; I eat like a rabbit.”  Her voice was starting to crack.  “I get facials and manicures—you name it—I do it.  And, I’m a successful business woman for Christ’s sake.” 
    What the…?  Trevor cautiously glanced over at her.  She was about to lose it—he could feel it.
    She took a tissue out of her pocket and wiped her eyes.  “I don’t know why I even care if that bastard is having an affair!”
    Now she was swerving a little.  Was she drunk?  He could see her hands shaking on the steering wheel.  Trevor did not like where this was going.  She needed to calm down.  The last thing he needed was to get in an accident with this head case.
    Suddenly the car swerved sharply toward the median.   “Evelyn, maybe we should pull over somewhere, like take a breather?”
    She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.  Black shit was streaming down her cheeks.  “Okay.  Yeah, I’m sorry.”
    She pulled into a strip mall and drove around to the back of the buildings.  She parked near some trees and shut off the engine.  “I am so sorry about that,” she said sighing.  “You’ve got to think I’m a complete nut.  I just need a minute.”
    A wave of relief washed over Trevor.  Maybe she wasn’t a total psycho.   He felt a sudden pang of sympathy for her.  “No,

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