Doorways to Infinity

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Book: Doorways to Infinity by Geof Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geof Johnson
like my new school, too, but the Rivershire School is special.”
    They walked to his driveway and he stopped beside his car with his keys in his hand. “Have you heard anything important with your power lately?”
    “Not really. I heard some lady say When do you want to get lunch? And a man said Now is good . That’s all I heard.”
    “Not very exciting stuff. I don’t see how it could be important.” He grabbed the handle of the car door and paused again. “Did you recognize the voices?”
    “The man was the one who said Follow red target .”
    He stared at the driveway for a moment and wrinkled his brow. “I don’t know if there’s a connection, but I guess we should tell everybody anyway, especially my dad.”
    “But remember, not with your phone!” Sammi said and slid into the passenger seat.
    Jamie found a parking space at the end of Main Street, and he and Sammi walked up the sidewalk to where the stores were, including the one where Fred and Bryce worked whenever they could. Thanksgiving week was a busy one for shopping, and people were everywhere, bustling to and fro.
    “Where do you want go, Sammi?” They were passing Mast General Store, and he gestured at it. “How about in there?”
    “No.” She strode forward, eyes straight ahead. “I want to go to the shop that Uncle Charlie’s daughter owns.”
    Jamie had to increase his pace to keep up with the determined little girl. “Why there? Have you been in it before?”
    “Then why?”
    “’Cause that’s where Mommy and Daddy’s present is, that’s why.”
    “And how do you know that?”
    “I just do.”
    “Too vague, Sammi. I’m not letting you get away with that kind of answer anymore.”
    She pinched up her mouth before answering. “Because I hear Uncle Charlie talking to his daughter sometimes. Not very much, and it’s always about little stuff. She nags him a lot, seems like. But I have a feeling that I should go to her shop right now.”
    “But no rational reason?”
    “Do I have to have one?”
    “I guess not. I’ve never been in it before, either.” He pointed at the intersection they were approaching. “Her store is around this corner, I think.”
    They turned, and the first shop on their right had a white sign out front that said Native Treasures , painted in flowing green script. Jamie held the door open for Sammi and they went inside.
    It was a rectangular room, and it had a pleasant smell of sandalwood, leather, and scented candles. On the nearest wall were racks full of clothes: buckskin coats, hats and moccasins, colorful skirts and dresses, soft cotton blouses, and denim shirts with designs stitched onto them. Opposite them were shelves covered with gift cards and knick-knacks, pottery, and books. More shelves in the middle of the room held other Native American goods, and the walls had framed artwork, depicting images of Cherokee and other native people in various scenes.
    A woman’s voice came from the counter on their right. “Do you need some help?” She appeared to be about forty years old, with long, dark hair held back with a carved wooden clip. She wore a white blouse, loose and comfortable-looking, and blue jeans. She had high cheekbones like Uncle Charlie, but with a less pronounced nose, and dark eyes, intense but friendly.
    “We’re looking for something for her parents,” Jamie said. “For Christmas.”
    “Well, take your time.” She pointed at a shelf near the back corner of the room. “We have some affordable wood carvings over there. I don’t know how much you want to spend, but they’re a great value.” Sammi walked in that direction while Jamie went to the counter to talk to the woman.
    “Did your father make those?” he said.
    “Why, yes. Some of them. Some of his walking sticks and canes are back there, too. Do you know him?”
    “I’m Jamie Sikes. He carved a stick for me back in the summer.”
    “Oh! Jamie the Magic Man.” A wide smile broke across her face.

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